Rebekah Hendershot
Run-On Sentences
Slide Duration:Table of Contents
Section 1: Parts of Speech
12m 48s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:06
- What is a Noun?0:31
- Where it Comes From0:34
- Definition0:41
- Think Johnstown0:46
- Find the Nouns Practice1:04
- Find the Nouns Answers1:29
- Singular and Plural Nouns1:58
- Singular Nouns2:05
- Plural Nouns2:09
- Singular and Plural Nouns Examples2:26
- Ends in S Sound2:36
- Collective Nouns2:54
- Definition2:56
- Treated as Singular Nouns3:07
- Collective Nouns Examples3:20
- Concrete and Abstract Nouns3:46
- Concrete Nouns3:50
- Abstract Nouns4:07
- Concrete Nouns Examples4:20
- Abstract Nouns Examples4:42
- Proper and Common Nouns5:14
- Proper Nouns5:17
- Common Nouns5:25
- Capitalization5:41
- Proper and Common Nouns Examples6:06
- Count and Non-Count Nouns6:30
- Count Nouns6:34
- Non-Count Nouns6:47
- Examples7:13
- Find the Nouns Practice7:44
- Find the Nouns Answers8:25
- Find the Nouns Practice 110:34
- Find the Nouns Answers 211:12
13m 32s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:06
- What is a Pronoun?0:33
- Takes Place Of Nouns0:48
- Personal Pronouns1:13
- Singular1:24
- Plural1:33
- Find the Personal Pronouns Practice1:43
- Find the Personal Pronouns Answers1:59
- Possessive Pronouns2:33
- Function2:37
- Find the Possessive Pronouns Practice3:01
- Find the Possessive Pronouns Answers3:16
- Reflexive Pronouns3:41
- Function3:46
- Find the Reflexive Pronouns Practice4:05
- Find the Reflexive Pronouns Answers4:24
- Relative Pronouns4:50
- Function4:52
- Wait! What's a Clause?5:04
- Clause5:09
- Independent Clause5:23
- Subordinate Clause5:31
- Find the Relative Pronouns Practice5:40
- Find the Relative Pronouns Answers6:00
- Demonstrative Pronouns7:11
- Function7:17
- Find the Demonstrative Pronouns Practice7:34
- Find the Demonstrative Pronouns Answers7:45
- Indefinite Pronouns8:14
- Function8:21
- Find the Indefinite Pronouns Practice8:48
- Find the Indefinite Pronouns Answers9:13
- Interrogative Pronouns9:49
- Function9:54
- Find the Interrogative Pronouns Practice10:06
- Find the Interrogative Pronouns Answers10:24
- Telling Pronouns from Adjectives10:45
- How to Tell Apart10:59
- Examples11:26
- Find the Pronouns Practice12:05
- Find the Pronouns Answers12:31
11m 46s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:06
- What is a Verb?0:41
- Definition0:55
- Kinds of Verbs1:28
- Action Verbs1:32
- Linking Verbs1:39
- Helping Verbs2:08
- How Verbs Vary: Person2:47
- Person and Number2:58
- Follow the Verbs! Practice4:03
- Follow the Verbs! Practice4:28
- How Verbs Vary: Basic Verb Forms4:49
- Base Form4:57
- Present Participle Form5:40
- Past Participle Form6:08
- How Verbs Vary: Tense6:43
- Examples7:13
- Perfect Tense7:49
- Progressive Tense8:26
- Find the Verbs Practice9:19
- Find the Verbs Answers10:01
18m 33s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- What is an Adjective?0:47
- Definition0:52
- Placement in Sentence1:04
- Importance1:26
- Adjectives That Describe1:36
- Examples1:56
- Adjectives That Count3:18
- Examples3:28
- Adjectives That Specify4:00
- What They Point Out4:08
- Examples4:25
- Anything Can Be An Adjective5:01
- What Can Be An Adjective5:10
- Examples5:20
- Adjective or Noun? Practice6:16
- Adjective or Noun? Answers7:00
- Adjectives vs. Adverbs7:56
- What Adjectives Modify8:00
- What Adverbs Modify8:24
- Adjective or Adverb? Practice8:54
- Adjective or Adverb? Answers9:33
- Linking Verbs and Adjectives11:05
- What Are Linking Verbs11:13
- Examples11:32
- Using Adjectives Correctly12:35
- Adjectives Must Always Modify Nouns or Pronouns12:39
- Examples12:54
- Exercise: Find the Adjectives14:11
- Exercise Answers: Find the Adjectives14:47
- Exercise 2: Find the Adjectives16:30
- Exercise 2 Answers: Find the Adjectives17:09
9m 26s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:06
- What is an Adverb?0:22
- Definition0:25
- Often Describes0:36
- Adverbs vs Adjectives0:51
- Distinction1:19
- Adverb or Adjective? Practice1:42
- Adverb or Adjective? Answers2:21
- Using Adverbs Correctly3:52
- Common Mistakes4:08
- Find the Adverbs Practice5:15
- Find the Adverbs Answers6:01
- Find the Adverbs Practice 27:24
- Find the Adverbs Answers 27:56
11m 31s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- What is a Preposition?0:21
- Definition0:26
- Prepositional Phrases0:42
- Examples of Prepositions1:03
- Anything You Can Do to a Log1:45
- Prepositional Phrases2:56
- Begin with a Preposition3:02
- Find the Prepositional Phrases Practice3:27
- Find the Prepositional Phrases Answers3:43
- Find the Prepositions Practice4:39
- Find the Prepositions Answers5:02
- Using Prepositions Correctly6:53
- Always Use in Prepositional Phrases6:57
- Find the Prepositions 2 Practice7:40
- Find the Prepositions 2 Answers8:09
- Find the Prepositions 3 Practice9:42
- Find the Prepositions 3 Answers10:15
19m 51s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- What is a Conjunction?0:29
- Definition0:31
- 4 Kinds of Conjunctions0:46
- Coordinating Conjunctions0:55
- Definition1:06
- List of Coordinating Conjunctions1:39
- Practice1:52
- Answers2:22
- Correlative Conjunctions3:50
- Definition3:52
- List of Correlative Conjunction Examples4:12
- Practice4:31
- Answers4:57
- Subordinating Conjunctions5:47
- Definition5:50
- How They're Different5:55
- List of Subordinating Conjunctions Examples6:16
- Practice6:47
- Answers7:15
- Conjunctive Adverbs9:41
- Definition9:46
- List of Commonly Used Conjunctive Adverbs10:15
- Practice10:48
- Answers11:13
- Conjunctive Adverbs vs. Subordinating Conjunctions12:44
- Example12:51
- Find and Identify the Conjunctions Practice13:37
- Find and Identify the Conjunctions Answers14:08
- Using Conjunctions Correctly15:18
- Use Coordinating Conjunctions15:22
- Use Correlative Conjunctions15:29
- Use Subordinating Conjunctions15:37
- Use Conjunctive Adverbs15:46
- Use the Right Conjunction Practice15:55
- Use the Right Conjunction Answers16:26
- Find and Identify the Conjunctions Practice17:39
- Find and Identify the Conjunctions Answers18:02
- Find and Identify the Conjunctions 2 Practice18:56
- Find and Identify the Conjunctions 2 Answers19:15
7m 42s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- What is an Interjection?0:25
- Definition0:27
- Examples0:46
- Punctuating Interjections0:52
- Followed by Exclamation Point1:02
- Beginning of Sentence1:13
- Classic Literature1:28
- Example2:01
- Common Interjections2:27
- Find the Interjections Practice2:56
- Find the Interjections Answers3:17
- Using Interjections Correctly3:51
- Punctuation to Use4:06
- Use Sparingly4:37
- Choose Your Interjections Practice4:47
- Choose Your Interjections Answers5:14
- Who Says It? Practice5:45
- Who Says It? Answers6:10
- Find the Interjections Practice6:35
- Find the Interjections Answers6:57
Section 2: Verb Forms and Tenses
Basic Verb Forms
11m 41s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:09
- What is a Verb?0:40
- Definition0:43
- Five Major Kinds of Verb1:03
- Action Verbs1:33
- Examples1:40
- Linking Verbs1:57
- Replace with Equal Sign2:07
- Examples2:15
- Complement2:49
- Helping Verbs3:02
- Examples3:20
- Transitive Verbs3:45
- Definition3:59
- Examples4:18
- Intransitive Verbs4:54
- Examples5:02
- Basic Verb Forms5:20
- 3 Basic Forms5:38
- The Base Form6:06
- Examples6:35
- The Present Participle Form6:51
- Created by Adding -ing6:57
- If it Ends in E7:16
- If the Last Syllable of the Base For Has a Short Vowel Sound7:36
- The Past Participle Form8:06
- Created By8:09
- Complications8:26
- Write the Verb Forms8:52
- Fill in the Blanks9:15
- Using Basic Verb Forms10:05
- Find the Verbs Practice10:29
- Find the Verbs Answers10:53
Simple Tenses
12m 12s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- What is a Verb Tense?0:33
- Definition0:42
- 3 Simple Tenses0:51
- Review of Basic Verb Forms1:12
- Definition1:21
- Present Participle Form1:39
- Past Participle Form1:48
- Single Present Tense2:01
- Third-Person Singular2:16
- Examples2:29
- Simple Past Tense3:11
- Form Past Tense3:20
- Examples3:34
- Irregular Past Tense and Past Participle4:00
- Most Irregular Verb4:25
- Irregular Verbs with Same Past & Past Participle Forms5:09
- Irregular Verbs with Different Past & Past Participle Forms5:40
- Irregular Verbs with Same Base6:03
- Learning Irregular Verbs6:34
- Best Way to Learn Irregular Verbs6:44
- Simple Future Tense7:04
- You It for 2 Kinds of Actions7:13
- Using Simple Tenses8:01
- Use it For8:05
- Examples8:15
- Use Simple Past Tense8:36
- Examples8:42
- Using Simple Future Tense9:06
- Examples9:15
- Using Simple Tenses Practice9:29
- Using Simple Tenses Answers9:55
- Using Simple Tenses Practice 210:37
- Using Simple Tenses Answers 211:08
Perfect Tenses
11m 21s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:09
- What is a Perfect Tense?0:30
- Definition0:33
- Form0:50
- Present Perfect Tense1:04
- To Form the Present Perfect Tense1:07
- When to Use1:20
- Examples1:28
- Past Perfect Tense2:06
- When to Use2:14
- Examples2:37
- Future Perfect Tense3:08
- When to Use3:18
- Examples3:33
- Irregular Perfect Tenses4:18
- Examples4:32
- Using Perfect Tenses Practice5:08
- Using Perfect Tenses Answers5:44
- Using Perfect Tenses Correctly6:59
- Present Perfect Tense7:06
- Past Perfect Tense7:20
- Future Perfect Tense7:40
- Using Perfect Tenses Practice 27:55
- Using Perfect Tenses Answers 28:28
- Using Perfect Tenses Practice 39:24
- Using Perfect Tenses Answers 310:00
Progressive Tenses
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:06
- What is a Progressive Tense?0:36
- What It Describes0:40
- Formed0:55
- Present participle Form1:05
- Present Progressive Tense1:12
- Form the Present Progressive Tense1:15
- Use and Examples1:30
- Past Progressive Tense2:02
- Formed2:06
- Examples2:29
- Future Progressive Tense3:03
- Form the Future Perfect Tense3:05
- When to Use3:12
- Examples3:19
- Perfect Progressive Tenses3:45
- Verb in Perfect Progressive Tense Describes3:53
- Form4:13
- Examples4:24
- Past Perfect Progressive Tense5:05
- Formed5:08
- Use5:17
- Examples5:25
- Future Perfect Progressive Tense6:02
- Form6:04
- Use6:11
- Examples6:17
- Using Progressive Tenses Practice6:53
- Using Progressive Tenses Answers7:27
- Using Perfect Progressive Tenses Practice8:31
- Using Perfect Progressive Tenses Answers9:08
- Use the Correct Tense Practice10:12
- Use the Correct Tense Answers10:44
Conditional Tenses & Subjunctive Mood
10m 28s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:09
- What are Conditional Tenses?0:27
- Definition0:31
- Two Parts0:43
- Conditional Tenses1:13
- If Your Statement States a Conditional Fact1:14
- Examples1:26
- If Your Statement Makes a Prediction1:46
- Examples2:02
- If Your Sentence Speculates About Something Unlikely to Happen2:21
- Examples2:39
- If Your Sentence Speculates About Something That Didn't Happen3:21
- Examples3:44
- If Your Sentence Speculates About Somethings That's Contrary to Fact4:11
- Examples4:37
- The Subjunctive Mood5:09
- Moods are Different From Tenses5:16
- When Subjunctive Mood is Used5:32
- Use to Describe Somethings Wished For5:57
- Use to Describe Somethings Requested6:06
- Use to Describe Somethings Contrary to Fact6:18
- Use the Correct Tense Practice6:33
- Use the Correct Tense Answers7:08
- Use the Correct Tense Practice 28:15
- Use the Correct Tense Answers 28:56
Section 3: Sentence Parts and Patterns
15m 8s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:09
- What is a Sentence?0:43
- Series of Words0:48
- Exceptions1:01
- What is a Subject?1:09
- Definition1:10
- Examples1:24
- Usually Comes Before the Verb1:48
- Exception 11:56
- Exception 22:25
- Exception 32:57
- The Simple Subject3:14
- Definition3:18
- Examples3:28
- Can Be a Single Word, Phrase or Clause4:29
- Examples4:44
- The Complete Subject5:29
- Definition5:32
- Examples5:39
- Find the Subjects Practice5:50
- Find the Subjects Answers6:09
- The Understood Subject6:54
- Imperative Sentence7:00
- Examples7:18
- The Single Subject7:55
- Definition7:59
- Examples8:08
- The Compound Subject8:46
- Definition8:47
- Examples8:54
- When It's Joined by 'and'9:34
- When It's Joined by 'or'9:46
- Finding the Subject10:27
- Usually Find Near the Beginning of the Sentence1:30
- Sometimes it Comes Before the Subject10:58
- Never Part of a Prepositional Phrase11:23
- Examples11:30
- Find the Subject Practice11:52
- Find the Subject Answers12:17
- Find the Subject Practice13:14
- Find the Subject Answers13:47
13m 2s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- What is a Predicate?0:25
- Definition0:28
- Objects, Modifiers, and Complements0:40
- The Single Predicate1:16
- Examples1:36
- The Compound Predicate2:35
- Examples2:48
- Predicates and Sentence Patterns3:24
- Pattern 1: Subject-Verb3:41
- Pattern 2: Subject-Linking Verb-Complement3:58
- Pattern 3: Subject-Verb-Direct Object4:23
- Pattern 4: Subject-Verb-Indirect Object4:51
- Linking Verbs and Complements5:16
- Linking Verbs5:19
- Complements5:25
- Examples5:40
- To Be5:59
- Descriptive Verbs6:08
- Examples6:23
- If the Predicate Does Not Have a Subject Complement7:04
- Examples7:13
- Find the Predicates Practice8:22
- Find the Predicates Answers8:44
- Find the Predicates Practice 29:45
- Find the Predicates Answers 210:14
- Find the Predicates Practice 311:13
- Find the Predicates Answers 311:44
11m 49s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Objectives0:07
- Transitive and Intransitive Verbs0:24
- Transitive Verb0:28
- Intransitive Verb0:57
- What is an Object?1:18
- Definition1:20
- Examples1:36
- The Direct Object2:22
- Definition2:26
- Examples2:29
- The Indirect Object2:50
- Examples2:55
- Object of a Verb vs. Object or a Preposition4:24
- Examples4:38
- Find the Objects Practice5:40
- Find the Objects Answers6:04
- Find the Objects Practice 28:05
- Find the Objects Answers 28:24
- Find the Objects Practice 39:48
- Find the Objects Answers 310:11
Sentence Types
9m 18s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Objectives0:06
- What is a Sentence?0:24
- Definition0:27
- Basic Order for Sentences0:38
- Four Common Subject-Predicate Patterns0:50
- The Simple Sentence1:10
- Definition1:11
- Examples1:56
- The Compound Sentence2:11
- Definition2:15
- Example2:33
- The Complex Sentence2:59
- Definition3:02
- Example3:12
- The Compound-Complex Sentence3:47
- Definition3:51
- Example4:03
- What Kind of Sentence? Practice4:44
- What Kind of Sentence? Answers5:03
- What Kind of Sentence? Practice 26:08
- What Kind of Sentence? Answers 26:26
- What Kind of Sentence? Practice 37:29
- What Kind of Sentence? Answers 37:50
Section 4: Trouble with Verbs
Helping Verbs
8m 42s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- What is a Helping Verb?0:32
- Indicate the Tense of the Base Verb0:34
- Two Kinds of Helping Verbs0:56
- Helping Verbs: Tenses1:03
- To Have, To Do, and To Be1:07
- Examples1:16
- Helping Verbs: Modals2:02
- Modals Defined2:04
- Examples2:23
- How to Use Helping Verbs2:46
- Use the Base Form After Modal Helping Verbs3:02
- Use the Base Form After Forms of Do3:09
- Use the Present Participle Form After Forms of Be3:18
- Use the Past Participle After Forms of Have3:29
- Be Should be Preceded by a Modal3:40
- Been Must be Preceded by Have, Has or Had4:12
- What Modals Mean4:30
- Will/ Would/ Could4:37
- Can/ Could4:55
- May/ Might, Can/ Could5:08
- May/ Might5:22
- Should (recommendation)5:41
- Should (expectation)5:54
- Must, Have To, Ought To, Need To6:02
- Use the Correct Helping Verb Practice6:18
- Use the Correct Helping Verb Answers6:45
- Use the Correct Helping Verb Practice 27:21
- Use the Correct Helping Verb Answers 27:42
Infinitives & Gerunds
12m 50s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Objectives0:07
- What is a Gerund?0:30
- Definition0:33
- Functions as a Noun0:46
- Example1:23
- Using Gerunds1:59
- Used as Subjects2:02
- Used as Complements2:14
- Used as Objects2:54
- Use Gerunds After Certain Verbs3:52
- Examples4:19
- What is An Infinitive?5:09
- Definition5:15
- 'To' Can Also Be a Preposition5:38
- Using Infinitives6:15
- List of Verbs You See Infinitives After6:23
- Examples6:39
- Use After These Verbs When Verb is Followed By a Noun or Pronoun6:57
- Examples7:31
- Infinitive or Gerund8:23
- Describing an Activity8:31
- Examples9:00
- Infinitive or Gerund? Practice9:24
- Infinitive or Gerund? Answers9:55
- Infinitive or Gerund? Practice 210:55
- Infinitive or Gerund? Answers 211:21
Troublesome Verbs
10m 28s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:08
- Pop Quiz!0:41
- Answer0:52
- Three Pairs of Troublesome Verbs1:01
- Transitive and Intransitive1:15
- Lay vs. Lie2:07
- Lie2:09
- Lay2:18
- Trick to Remember2:46
- Sit vs. Set3:28
- Sit3:33
- Set3:52
- Exception4:05
- Rise vs. Raise4:23
- Rise4:28
- Raise4:42
- Forms of Troublesome Verbs5:12
- Choose the Right Verb Practice6:45
- Choose the Right Verb Answers7:10
- Choose the Right Verb Practice 27:42
- Choose the Right Verb Answers 28:20
- Choose the Right Verb Practice 39:22
- Choose the Right Verb Answers 39:43
Consistent Tense, Mood & Voice
15m 9s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:08
- Consistent Tense0:57
- Common Mistake1:00
- Example1:26
- Should It Be In the Past Tense?1:43
- Should It Be In the Present Tense?2:17
- Consistency is a Matter of Avoiding Unnecessary Shifts3:01
- Example3:14
- Consistent Tense Practice4:19
- Consistent Tense Answers4:41
- Consistent Mood5:31
- Indicative Mood5:44
- Imperative Mood6:20
- Subjunctive Mood6:59
- Consistent Mood Example7:24
- Answers8:00
- Consistent Mood in Indicative Mood8:26
- Consistent Mood in Imperative Mood8:47
- Consistent Mood: Sometimes Shift is Necessary9:16
- Example9:26
- Consistent Voice10:17
- Active Voice10:23
- Passive Voice10:36
- Active Voice is More Direct and Engaging Than Passive.11:08
- Passive Voice is Correct When You Want to Minimize the Significance of the Agent11:35
- Passive Voice is Correct When You Want to Emphasize the Recipient of Action11:53
- Passive Voice is Correct When The Agent of Caution is Unknown12:23
- Never Allow Voice to Shift Without a Reason12:53
- Consistent Voice Practice13:47
- Consistent Voice Answers14:16
Subject-Verb Agreement
18m 11s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- Basic Subject-Verb Agreement0:51
- Number & Person0:55
- Rule for Single Subject1:19
- Examples1:26
- Compound Subject Rule 11:47
- Examples1:57
- Compound Subject Rule 23:07
- Examples3:20
- Basic Subject-Verb Agreement Practice3:42
- Basic Subject-Verb Agreement Answers4:00
- Distractions4:24
- Interrupters4:37
- Examples4:48
- Inverted Sentences5:08
- Examples5:33
- Tricky Subjects5:59
- Collective Nouns6:05
- Examples6:30
- Exception: Collective Nouns as Plural Form6:51
- Examples7:23
- Singular7:29
- Single Entities8:14
- Examples8:44
- Verb is Plural9:39
- Examples9:57
- Indefinite Pronouns10:11
- List of Third-Person Singular Subjects10:25
- Examples10:47
- Both, Few, Many, and Several are Always Plural11:05
- All, My, None, and Some Can be Singular or Plural11:43
- Relative Pronouns12:38
- Examples13:10
- Subject-Verb Agreement Practice13:31
- Subject-Verb Agreement Answers13:59
- Subject-Verb Agreement Practice 214:57
- Subject-Verb Agreement Answers 215:21
- Subject-Verb Agreement Practice 316:24
- Subject-Verb Agreement Answers 316:55
Section 5: Common Grammar Problems
Pronoun Agreement and Reference
19m 9s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- Kinds of Pronouns0:47
- List of Pronouns0:54
- Possessive Pronouns1:41
- Examples1:48
- Pronoun Agreement2:21
- Antecedent2:45
- Examples2:51
- Pronoun Agreement Practice3:15
- Pronoun Agreement Answers3:33
- Pronoun Agreement Practice 24:05
- Pronoun Agreement Answers 24:32
- Compound Antecedents5:20
- Examples5:30
- Compound Antecedent Connected by And5:47
- Examples5:59
- Compound Antecedent Connected by Or or Nor and Both Are Singular6:21
- Examples6:51
- Female and Male Antecedent6:59
- Compound Antecedent is Connected by Or or Nor8:04
- Examples8:16
- Pronoun Agreement8:39
- Examples8:59
- Collective and Other Singular Nouns9:43
- Definition9:47
- Examples10:31
- Collective and Other Singular Nouns Practice11:04
- Collective and Other Singular Nouns Answers11:22
- Indefinite Pronouns11:47
- List of Indefinite Pronouns11:56
- Cannot Pick a Pronoun Unless You Know It's the Same Gender12:22
- Generic Nouns13:03
- Incorrect13:11
- Correct13:36
- Use the Right Pronoun Practice14:02
- Use the Right Pronoun Answers14:24
- Unclear References15:19
- Ambiguous References15:24
- How to Fix It15:42
- Vague References15:55
- How to Fix It16:16
- Overly Broad References16:32
- How to Fix It17:02
- Use the Right Pronoun Practice 217:22
- Use the Right Pronoun Answers 217:48
Pronoun Case & Relative Pronouns
14m 48s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:11
- Relative Pronouns1:08
- Use Who/ Whom/ Whose1:26
- Use Which/ That1:34
- Pronouns Case2:17
- Subjective Case2:28
- Objective Case3:04
- Possessive Case3:55
- Use Subjective Case4:17
- Comparative Statements Practice5:31
- Comparative Statements Answers5:45
- Modifiers6:34
- Examples6:44
- Modifiers Practice7:49
- Modifiers Answers8:10
- We vs. Us8:58
- Examples9:18
- Who vs. Whom10:08
- Rule10:16
- Examples10:26
- Practice11:31
- Practice Answers12:04
- Practice 213:18
- Practice 2 Answers13:43
Modifiers & Their Placement
19m 13s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- Adjective and Adverbs0:45
- Adjectives0:50
- Examples1:01
- Adverbs1:19
- Examples1:36
- Say What You Mean!1:54
- Good and Bad, Well and Badly2:39
- Good and Bad2:43
- Well and Badly2:57
- Well = Adjective3:18
- Good and Bad, Well and Badly Practice3:50
- Good and Bad, Well and Badly Answers and split infinitives.4:08
- Comparisons4:36
- Three Forms4:40
- Use Comparative to Compare Two Things4:59
- Examples5:23
- Use Superlative to Compare Three Things5:54
- Examples6:27
- Two Sets of Words That Have Irregular Forms6:41
- Comparisons Practice6:59
- Double Comparisons and Double Negatives7:35
- Comparative and Superlative Take Only One Form7:39
- Examples7:55
- One Negative to Express a Negative Meaning8:13
- Examples8:27
- Hardly, Barely, and Scarcely8:50
- Examples9:09
- Double Comparisons and Double Negatives Practice9:19
- Double Comparisons and Double Negatives Answers9:36
- Modifier Placement9:59
- Misplaced Modifier10:08
- Examples10:18
- More Exanples10:48
- Dangling Modifiers11:23
- Definition11:26
- Example11:44
- Fix a Dangling Modifier12:08
- Examples12:20
- Dangling Modifiers Practice12:43
- Dangling Modifiers Answers13:01
- Limiting Modifiers13:52
- Includes This List of Adverbs13:57
- Examples14:07
- Changing the Placement14:25
- Interrupting Modifiers15:25
- Examples15:45
- Who, That, and Which Clauses16:05
- Examples16:21
- Split Infinitives16:52
- Examples17:23
- Modifiers Practice17:43
- Modifiers Answers18:10
17m 49s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:06
- What is an Article?0:42
- Indefinite Articles0:56
- Definite Article1:08
- Examples1:19
- Indefinite Articles: A & An1:39
- Examples1:48
- When to Use 'A' and 'An'1:59
- It's About the Next Sound You Pronounce, Not Letter2:46
- Use 'An' for a Singular Noun Beginning with a Vowel3:27
- For Acronyms, Go By the Sound3:34
- Words Beginning with the Letter H4:08
- When the Noun is Preceded by an Adjective4:55
- Definite Article: The5:27
- When Is 'The' Used5:34
- Examples5:48
- Count and Noncount Nouns6:23
- Count Nouns6:30
- Noncount Nouns6:39
- 'The' Can be Used with Both6:56
- Examples7:12
- 'A' and 'An' Can Only Be Used with Count Nouns7:34
- Examples7:42
- Geography7:56
- Do Not Use 'The' Before the Names of Most Countries8:08
- Exceptions8:26
- Do Not Use 'The' Before the Names of Cities, Towns or States8:39
- Do Not Use 'The' Before the Names of Streets8:49
- Do Not Use 'The' Before the Names of Lakes and Bays9:02
- Do Not Use 'The' Before the Names of Mountains9:10
- Do Not Use 'The' Before the Names of Continents and Islands9:37
- Do Use 'The' Before the Names of Rivers, Oceans, and Seas9:56
- Do Use 'The' Before Groups of Lakes and Points no the Globe10:08
- Do Use 'The' Before Geographical Areas10:25
- When to Use Articles10:47
- Languages and Nationalities Don't Take Articles11:12
- Sports Don't Take Articles11:49
- Name of Academic Subjects Don't Take Articles12:05
- A Noun May Need One When Used as an Adjective12:21
- Practice12:58
- Practice Answers13:35
- Practice 214:24
- Practice Answers 214:59
- Practice 316:21
- Practice Answers 316:48
Commonly Confused Words
11m 29s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:08
- Affect / Effect0:40
- Affect0:43
- Effect1:10
- Fewer/ Less1:40
- Fewer1:51
- Less1:59
- Imply/ Infer2:19
- Imply2:29
- Infer2:39
- It's/ Its3:10
- It's3:14
- Its3:21
- Lie/ Lay4:04
- Lie4:09
- Lay4:12
- Than/ Then4:49
- Than4:54
- Then4:58
- That/ Which5:35
- That5:40
- Which5:50
- Their/ There/ They're7:18
- Their7:25
- There7:31
- They're7:36
- Who/ Whom8:11
- Who8:28
- Whom8:35
- Your/ You're9:53
- Your10:04
- You're10:12
Section 6: Common Sentence Problems
Sentence Fragments
15m 43s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- Sentence Boundaries0:38
- Fragments and Run-Ons0:51
- Phrases and Clauses1:11
- Phrase1:19
- Clause2:00
- Independent Clause2:09
- Dependent Clause2:30
- Practice: Phrases and Clauses3:20
- Practice Answers: Phrases and Clauses3:49
- Phrases and Clauses4:48
- Sentence4:56
- Multiple Independent and Dependent Clause5:12
- Sentence Fragments5:48
- Examples6:02
- Subordinate Clause6:21
- How to Fix the Subordinate Clause to Independent Clause7:01
- Participial Phrases7:56
- Fix Participial Phrases8:43
- Fragment Missing Subject and Verb9:21
- How to Fix This9:59
- Use Fragments For Effect10:19
- Sentence Fragments Practice11:48
- Sentence Fragments Answers12:08
- Practice12:47
- Practice Answers13:27
Run-On Sentences
12m 13s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- Sentence Boundaries0:29
- Fragments and Run-Ons0:45
- Phrases and Clauses1:02
- Phrase1:10
- Clause1:39
- Independent Clause1:50
- Run-On Sentences2:31
- Run-On2:54
- Fused Sentence3:25
- Comma Splice4:07
- Run-On Sentences Practice4:43
- Run-On Sentences Answers5:10
- Run-On Sentences5:52
- Separate Clauses with a Period6:00
- Separate Clauses with a Comma and Coordinating Conjunction6:29
- Separate Clauses with a Semicolon7:04
- Separate Clauses with a Colon or a Dash8:09
- Turn One Clause Into a Subordinate Clause or Modifier9:04
- Practice10:08
- Practice Answers10:41
8m 33s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:07
- What is Parallelism?0:28
- Definition0:31
- Examples0:56
- When to Use Parallel Structure1:33
- Items in a List1:39
- Items in Pairs2:07
- Items Being Compared2:52
- Repeat Signal Words3:27
- Correcting Faulty Parallelism4:21
- One Item is Faulty4:28
- Two Items with Different Structures5:01
- Practice5:56
- Practice Answer6:15
- Practice 26:35
- Practice 2 Answer6:52
- Practice 37:19
- Practice 3 Answer7:40
Active vs. Passive Voice
9m 54s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:08
- What is Active Voice?0:29
- Active Voice Definition0:32
- What is Passive Voice?1:04
- Passive Voice Definition1:05
- Active or Passive? Practice1:45
- Active or Passive? Answers2:05
- When to Use the Active Voice2:41
- Example2:58
- When to Use the Passive Voice3:18
- Minimize the Significance of the Agent3:23
- Emphasize the Recipient of the Action4:05
- The Agent of Action is Unknown or Cannot Be Revealed4:50
- Practice5:52
- Practice Answers6:14
- Practice 26:57
- Practice 2 Answers7:31
- Practice 38:21
- Practice 3 Answers8:42
11m 18s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:06
- What is an Idiom?0:33
- Idiom0:45
- Metaphor0:55
- Examples0:58
- Source of Idioms1:39
- Old Tradition1:50
- Daily Life Experiences2:47
- References to Literature or Other Works of Art3:41
- How to Use Idioms4:41
- Examples5:00
- Make Your Own5:18
- How to Learn Idioms5:42
- Practice6:43
- Practice Answers7:01
- Practice Answers7:57
- Practice 28:52
- Practice 2 Answers9:11
- Practice 39:24
- Practice 3 Answers9:38
- Practice 410:10
- Practice 4 Answers10:29
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For more information, please see full course syllabus of English Grammar
English Grammar Run-On Sentences
Lecture Description
In this lesson, our instructor Rebekah Hendershot goes through an introduction on run-on sentences. She starts by reviewing sentence boundaries, phrases and clauses. Then she gets into run-on sentences, fused sentence and comma splice.
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3 answers
Last reply by: Sophy Huang
Mon May 18, 2020 12:00 PM
Post by America Moctezuma on May 13, 2013
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