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AP Physics C: Mechanics Dr. Radi Jishi, Ph.D.

743 ratings • 12 reviews
  • Level Advanced
  • 40 Lessons (48hr : 11min)
  • 2,417 already enrolled!
  • Audio: English

Physics is often considered the most fundamental of all the natural sciences and its theories attempt to explain the behavior of the smallest building blocks of matter, the universe, and everything in between. Understanding how the universe works may sound overwhelming, but AP Physics is only hard if you do not have the right guidance. AP Physics C is Calculus based and Dr. Jishi makes sure students fully understand the more complicated mathematics with a multitude of clearly explained examples. High school students planning to ace the Advanced Placement exam are not the only ones who will find this course easy to understand and extremely helpful. College students studying physics will also benefit from this course, since the lessons offer detailed explanations and plenty of comprehensive extra examples. Professor Jishi earned his Ph.D from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, published over 60+ papers in peer-reviewed journals, and has been teaching for over 20 years.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Mechanics

  Introduction to Physics (Basic Math) 1:17:37
   Intro 0:00 
   What is Physics? 1:35 
    Physicists and Philosophers 1:57 
    Differences Between 2:48 
    Experimental Observations 3:20 
    Laws (Mathematical) 3:48 
    Modification of Laws/Experiments 4:24 
    Example: Newton's Laws of Mechanics 5:38 
    Example: Einstein's Relativity 6:18 
   Units 8:50 
    Various Units 9:37 
    SI Units 10:02 
    Length (meter) 10:18 
    Mass (kilogram) 10:35 
    Time (second) 10:51 
    MKS Units (meter kilogram second) 11:04 
    Definition of Second 11:55 
    Definition of Meter 14:06 
    Definition of Kilogram 15:21 
    Multiplying/Dividing Units 19:10 
   Trigonometry Overview 21:24 
    Sine and Cosine 21:31 
    Pythagorean Theorem 23:44 
    Tangent 24:15 
    Sine and Cosine of Angles 24:35 
    Similar Triangles 25:54 
    Right Triangle (Opposite, Adjacent, Hypotenuse) 28:16 
    Other Angles (30-60-90) 29:16 
   Law of Cosines 31:38 
    Proof of Law of Cosines 33:03 
   Law of Sines 37:03 
    Proof of Law of Sines 38:03 
   Scalars and Vectors 41:00 
    Scalar: Magnitude 41:22 
    Vector: Magnitude and Direction 41:52 
    Examples 42:31 
   Extra Example 1: Unit Conversion 2:47 
   Extra Example 2: Law of Cosines 12:52 
   Extra Example 3: Dimensional Analysis 11:43 
  Vector Addition 1:10:31
   Intro 0:00 
   Graphical Method 0:10 
    Magnitude and Direction of Two Vectors 0:40 
   Analytical Method or Algebraic Method 8:45 
    Example: Addition of Vectors 9:12 
    Parallelogram Rule 11:42 
    Law of Cosines 14:22 
    Law of Sines 18:32 
   Components of a Vector 21:35 
    Example: Vector Components 23:30 
    Introducing Third Dimension 31:14 
    Right Handed System 33:06 
   Specifying a Vector 34:44 
    Example: Calculate the Components of Vector 36:33 
   Vector Addition by Means of Components 41:23 
   Equality of Vectors 47:11 
   Dot Product 48:39 
   Extra Example 1: Vector Addition 9:57 
   Extra Example 2: Angle Between Vectors 4:10 
   Extra Example 3: Vector Addition 4:51 
  Dot Product and Cross Product 1:06:17
   Intro 0:00 
   Dot Product 0:12 
    Vectors in 3 Dimensions 1:36 
    Right Handed System 2:15 
    Vector With 3 Components (Ax,Ay,Az) 3:00 
    Magnitude in 2 Dimension 3:59 
    Magnitude in 3 Dimension 3:40 
    Dot Product of i*i 7:21 
    Two Vectors are Perpendicular 8:50 
    A.B 13:34 
   Angle Between Two Vectors 17:27 
    Given Two Vectors 17:35 
    Calculation Angle Between Vectors with (A.B) 18:25 
   Cross Product 23:14 
    Cross Product of AxB 23:42 
    Magnitude of C=AxB cos Theta 24:35 
    Right Hand Rule 27:07 
    BxA 28:40 
    Direction of IxJ=K 31:04 
    JxK 33:15 
    KxI 35:00 
   Evaluation in Terms of Determinants 39:28 
    Two Vectors A and B with Magnitude and Direction 39:35 
    Calculate AxB 40:08 
   Example 49:59 
   Extra Example 1: Perpendicular Vectors 2:46 
   Extra Example 2: Area of Triangle Given Vertices 8:29 
  Derivatives 1:28:27
   Intro 0:00 
   Definition and Geometric Interpretation 1:06 
    Example: F(x) is a Polynomial 1:14 
    Example: Parabola 2:48 
    F(x+h) 4:04 
    F(x+h)-F(x)/h 5:38 
    Slope of the Tangent 9:53 
    df/dx=f' 10:30 
   Derivatives of Power of x 13:11 
    F(x)=1 or Any Constant =0 13:27 
    F(x) =x = 1 15:13 
    F(x)= x2 = 2x 16:15 
    F(x)= x3 = 3x2 18:26 
   Derivatives of Sin(x), Cos(x) , Exp(x) 22:40 
    f(x)=Six x =cos(x) 22:51 
    Cos(x)=1 X= in Radians 27:50 
    Sin(x)=1 X= in Radians 28:55 
    e^x where x= in Radians 29:49 
   Derivative of u(x) v(x) 39:17 
    Derivative of Product of Two Functions f(x) =x^2 Sin(x) 39:30 
   Derivative of u(x)/v(x) 46:15 
    F(u/v)= f(u(x+h)/v(x+h) 46:23 
   Chain Rule 51:40 
    Example: F(x) =(x^2-1)^5 51:53 
    F(x)=Sin 3x 56:51 
    F(x) =e^-2x 58:21 
   Extra Example 1: Minima and Maxima 7:00 
   Extra Example 2: Derivative 5:29 
   Extra Example 3: Fermat's Principle to Derive Snell's Law 16:33 
  Integrals 1:13:28
   Intro 0:00 
   Definite Integrals 0:20 
    F(x) 0:29 
    Area 10:43 
   Indefinite Integrals 13:53 
    Suppose Function f(y)=∫f(y) dy 15:07 
    g(x)=∫ f(x) dx 21:45 
    ∫2 dx=2x+c 22:40 
   Evaluation of Definite Integrals 25:20 
    ∫f(x') dx'=g(x) 25:35 
   Integral of Sin(x) ,Cos(x) , and Exp(x) 36:18 
    ∫ sinx dx=-cos x+c 36:56 
    ∫ cosx dx=sin x+c 39:32 
    ∫ co2x dx=sin2x 40:09 
    ∫Cosωdt=1/ωsin ωdt 42:42 
    ∫e^x dx=e^x+c 43:32 
   Integration by Substitution 45:23 
    ∫x(x^2 -1)dx 46:01 
   Integration by Parts 52:30 
    d/dx=(uv)' 52:45 
    ∫udv=∫d(uv)-∫Vdu =uv-∫vdu 54:20 
    ∫xe^x dx/dv 56:11 
   Extra Example 1: Integral 6:26 
   Extra Example 2: Integral 7:40 
  Motion in One Dimension 1:19:35
   Intro 0:00 
    Position, Distance, and Displacement 0:12 
    Position of the Object 0:30 
    Distance Traveled by The Object 5:34 
    Displacement of The Object 9:05 
   Average Speed Over a Certain Time Interval 14:46 
    Example Of an Object 15:15 
    Example: Calculating Average Speed 20:19 
   Average Velocity Over a Time Interval 22:22 
    Example Calculating Average Velocity of an Object 22:45 
   Instantaneous Velocity 30:45 
   Average Acceleration Over a Time Interval 40:50 
    Example: Average Acceleration of an Object 42:01 
   Instantaneous Acceleration 47:17 
    Example: Acceleration of Time T 47:33 
    Example with Realistic Equation 49:52 
   Motion With Constant Acceleration: Kinematics Equation 53:39 
    Example: Motion of an Object with Constant Acceleration 53:55 
   Extra Example 1: Uniformly Accelerated Motion 6:14 
   Extra Example 2: Catching up with a Car 8:33 
   Extra Example 3: Velocity and Acceleration 6:41 
  Kinematics Equation From Calculus 47:45
   Intro 0:00 
   Velocity and Acceleration 0:27 
    Particle moves In x Direction 0:35 
    Instantaneous Velocity for Δt =0 3:05 
    Acceleration (Change in Time) v(t+=Δt)-v(t) /Δt 4:58 
   Example 8:08 
    x(t) =(-4+3t+2t^2) 8:18 
    Finding Average velocity at 10sec 8:45 
    V at t=3s 10:28 
    x(t) =0 ,0.2 sin (2t) 12:20 
    Finding Velocity 12:50 
   Constant Acceleration 15:29 
    Object Moving with Constant Acceleration 15:40 
    Find Velocity and Position at Later Time t 18:23 
    v=∫a dt 19:50 
    V(t) =v0+at 23:33 
    v(t) =dx/dt x=∫vdt 24:14 
    T=v-v0/a 29:26 
   Extra Example 1: Velocity and Acceleration 8:25 
   Extra Example 2: Particle Acceleration 5:49 
  Freely Falling Objects 1:28:59
   Intro 0:00 
   Acceleration Due to Gravity 0:11 
    Dropping an Object at Certain Height 0:25 
   Signs : V , A , D 7:07 
    Example: Shooting an Object Upwards 7:34 
   Example: Ground To Ground 12:13 
    Velocity at Maximum Height 14:30 
    Time From Ground to Ground 23:10 
    Shortcut: Calculate Time Spent in Air 24:07 
   Example: Object Short Downwards 30:19 
    Object Short Downwards From a Height H 30:30 
    Use of Quadratic Formula 36:23 
   Example: Bouncing Ball 41:00 
    Ball Released From Certain Height 41:22 
    Time Until Stationary 43:10 
    Coefficient of Restitution 46:40 
   Example: Bouncing Ball. Continued 53:02 
   Extra Example 1: Object Shot Off Cliff 13:30 
   Extra Example 2: Object Released Off Roof 7:13 
   Extra Example 3: Rubber Ball (Coefficient of Restitution) 13:50 
  Motion in Two Dimensions, Part 1 1:08:38
   Intro 0:00 
    Position, Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration 0:10 
    Position of an Object in X-Y Plane 0:19 
    Displacement of an Object 2:48 
    Average Velocity 4:30 
    Instantaneous Velocity at Time T 5:22 
    Acceleration of Object 8:49 
   Projectile Motion 9:57 
    Object Shooting at Angle 10:15 
    Object Falling Vertically 14:48 
    Velocity of an Object 18:17 
    Displacement of an Object 19:20 
    Initial Velocity Remains Constant 21:24 
    Deriving Equation of a Parabola 25:23 
   Example: Shooting a Soccer Ball 25:25 
    Time Ball Spent in Air (Ignoring Air Resistance) 27:48 
    Range of Projectile 34:49 
    Maximum Height Reached by the Projectile 36:25 
   Example: Shooting an Object Horizontally 40:38 
    Time Taken for Shooting 42:34 
    Range 46:01 
    Velocity Hitting Ground 46:30 
   Extra Example 1: Projectile Shot with an Angle 12:37 
   Extra Example 2: What Angle 6:55 
  Motion in Two Dimensions, Part 2: Circular Dimension 1:01:54
   Intro 0:00 
   Uniform Circular Motion 0:15 
    Object Moving in a Circle at Constant Speed 0:26 
    Calculation Acceleration 3:30 
    Change in Velocity 3:45 
    Magnitude of Acceleration 14:21 
    Centripetal Acceleration 18:15 
   Example: Earth Rotating Around The Sun 18:42 
    Center of the Earth 20:45 
    Distance Travelled in Making One Revolution 21:34 
    Acceleration of the Revolution 23:37 
   Tangential Acceleration and Radial Acceleration 25:35 
    If Magnitude and Direction Change During Travel 26:22 
    Tangential Acceleration 27:45 
   Example: Car on a Curved Road 29:50 
    Finding Total Acceleration at Time T if Car is at Rest 31:13 
   Extra Example 1: Centripetal Acceleration on Earth 8:11 
   Extra Example 2: Pendulum Acceleration 7:12 
   Extra Example 3: Radius of Curvature 9:08 
  Newton's Laws of Motion 1:29:51
   Intro 0:00 
   Force 0:21 
    Contact Force (Push or Pull) 1:02 
    Field Forces 1:49 
    Gravity 2:06 
    Electromagnetic Force 2:43 
    Strong Force 4:12 
    Weak Force 5:17 
    Contact Force as Electromagnetic Force 6:08 
    Focus on Contact Force and Gravitational Force 6:50 
   Newton's First Law 7:37 
    Statement of First Law of Motion 7:50 
    Uniform Motion (Velocity is Constant) 9:38 
    Inertia 10:39 
   Newton's Second Law 11:19 
    Force as a Vector 11:35 
    Statement of Second Law of Motion 12:02 
    Force (Formula) 12:22 
    Example: 1 Force 13:04 
    Newton (Unit of Force) 13:31 
    Example: 2 Forces 14:09 
   Newton's Third Law 19:38 
    Action and Reaction Law 19:46 
    Statement of Third Law of Motion 19:58 
    Example: 2 Objects 20:15 
    Example: Objects in Contact 21:54 
    Example: Person on Earth 22:54 
   Gravitational Force and the Weight of an Object 24:01 
    Force of Attraction Formula 24:42 
    Point Mass and Spherical Objects 26:56 
    Example: Gravity on Earth 28:37 
    Example: 1 kg on Earth 35:31 
   Friction 37:09 
    Normal Force 37:14 
    Example: Small Force 40:01 
    Force of Static Friction 43:09 
    Maximum Force of Static Friction 46:03 
    Values of Coefficient of Static Friction 47:37 
    Coefficient of Kinetic Friction 47:53 
    Force of Kinetic Friction 48:27 
    Example: Horizontal Force 49:36 
    Example: Angled Force 52:36 
   Extra Example 1: Wire Tension 10:37 
   Extra Example 2: Car Friction 11:43 
   Extra Example 3: Big Block and Small Block 9:17 
  Applications of Newton's Laws, Part 1: Inclines 1:24:35
   Intro 0:00 
   Acceleration on a Frictionless Incline 0:35 
    Force Action on the Object(mg) 1:31 
    Net Force Acting on the Object 2:20 
    Acceleration Perpendicular to Incline 8:45 
    Incline is Horizontal Surface 11:30 
    Example: Object on an Inclined Surface 13:40 
   Rough Inclines and Static Friction 20:23 
    Box Sitting on a Rough Incline 20:49 
    Maximum Values of Static Friction 25:20 
    Coefficient of Static Friction 27:53 
   Acceleration on a Rough Incline 29:00 
    Kinetic Friction on Rough Incline 29:15 
    Object Moving up the Incline 33:20 
    Net force on the Object 36:36 
   Example: Time to Reach the Bottom of an Incline 41:50 
    Displacement is 5m Down the Incline 45:26 
    Velocity of the Object Down the Incline 47:49 
   Extra Example 1: Bottom of Incline 12:23 
   Extra Example 2: Incline with Initial Velocity 15:31 
   Extra Example 3: Moving Down an Incline 8:09 
  Applications of Newton's Laws, Part 2: Strings and Pulleys 1:10:03
   Intro 0:00 
   Atwood's Machine 0:19 
    Object Attached to a String 0:39 
    Tension on a String 2:15 
    Two Objects Attached to a String 2:23 
    Pulley Fixed to the Ceiling, With Mass M1 , M2 4:53 
    Applying Newton's 2nd Law to Calculate Acceleration on M1, M2 9:21 
   One Object on a Horizontal Surface: Frictionless Case 17:36 
    Connecting Two Unknowns, Tension and Acceleration 20:27 
   One Object on a Horizontal Surface: Friction Case 23:57 
    Two Objects Attached to a String with a Pulley 24:14 
    Applying Newton's 2nd Law 26:04 
    Tension of an Object Pulls to the Right 27:31 
   One of the Object is Incline : Frictionless Case 32:59 
    Sum of Two Forces on Mass M2 34:39 
    If M1g is Larger Than M2g 36:29 
   One of the Object is Incline : Friction Case 40:29 
    Coefficient of Kinetic Friction 41:18 
    Net Force Acting on M2 45:12 
   Extra Example 1: Two Masses on Two Strings 5:28 
   Extra Example 2: Three Objects on Rough Surface 7:11 
   Extra Example 3: Acceleration of a Block 8:52 
  Accelerating Frames 1:13:28
   Intro 0:00 
   What Does a Scale Measure 0:11 
    Example: Elevator on a Scale 0:22 
    Normal Force 4:57 
   Apparent Weight in an Elevator 7:42 
    Example: Elevator Starts Moving Upwards 9:05 
    Net Force (Newton's Second Law) 11:34 
    Apparent Weight 14:36 
   Pendulum in an Accelerating Train 15:58 
    Example: Object Hanging on the Ceiling of a Train 16:15 
    Angle In terms of Increased Acceleration 22:04 
   Mass and Spring in an Accelerating Truck 23:40 
    Example: Spring on a Stationary Truck 23:55 
    Surface of Truck is Frictionless 27:38 
    Spring is Stretched by distance X 28:40 
   Cup of Coffee 29:55 
    Example: Moving Train and Stationary Objects inside Train 30:05 
    Train Moving With Acceleration A 32:45 
    Force of Static Friction Acting on Cup 36:30 
   Extra Example 1: Train Slows with Pendulum 11:54 
   Extra Example 2: Person in Elevator Releases Object 13:06 
   Extra Example 3: Hanging Object in Elevator 10:26 
  Circular Motion, Part 1 1:01:15
   Intro 0:00 
   Object Attached to a String Moving in a Horizontal Circle 0:09 
    Net Force on Object (Newton's Second Law) 1:51 
    Force on an Object 3:03 
    Tension of a String 4:40 
   Conical Pendulum 5:40 
    Example: Object Attached to a String in a Horizontal Circle 5:50 
    Weight of an Object Vertically Down 8:05 
    Velocity And Acceleration in Vertical Direction 11:20 
    Net Force on an Object 13:02 
   Car on a Horizontal Road 16:09 
    Net Force on Car (Net Vertical Force) 18:03 
    Frictionless Road 18:43 
    Road with Friction 22:41 
    Maximum Speed of Car Without Skidding 26:05 
   Banked Road 28:13 
    Road Inclined at an Angle ø 28:32 
    Force on Car 29:50 
    Frictionless Road 30:45 
    Road with Friction 36:22 
   Extra Example 1: Object Attached to Rod with Two Strings 11:27 
   Extra Example 2: Car on Banked Road 9:29 
   Extra Example 3: Person Held Up in Spinning Cylinder 3:05 
  Circular Motion, Part 2 50:29
   Intro 0:00 
   Normal Force by a Pilot Seat 0:14 
    Example : Pilot Rotating in a Circle r and Speed s 0:33 
    Pilot at Vertical Position in a Circle of Radius R 4:18 
    Net Force on Pilot Towards Center (At Bottom) 5:53 
    Net Force on Pilot Towards Center (At Top) 7:55 
   Object Attached to a String in Vertical Motion 10:46 
    Example: Object in a Circle Attached to String 10:59 
    Case 1: Object with speed v and Object is at Bottom 11:30 
    Case 2: Object at Top in Vertical Motion 15:24 
    Object at Angle ø (General Position) 17:48 
    2 Radial Forces (Inward & Outward) 20:32 
    Tension of String 23:44 
   Extra Example 1: Pail of Water in Vertical Circle 5:16 
   Extra Example 2: Roller Coaster Vertical Circle 3:57 
   Extra Example 3: Bead in Frictionless Loop 16:56 
  Work and Energy, Part 1 1:24:46
   Intro 0:00 
   Work in One Dimension: Constant Force 0:11 
    Particle Moving in X-Axis 0:24 
    Displacement Δx=x2-x1 1:35 
    Work Done by the Force W=FΔX 2:25 
    Example: Object Being Pushed for 10 m (Frictionless case) 3:31 
    Example: Elevator Descends with constant Velocity 5:37 
    Work by Tension 9:06 
   Work in One Dimension: Variable Force 11:28 
    Object Displaced from a to b Under Action of Force 12:06 
    Total Work= F(x1) Δx1 19:48 
    Special Case : F(x) =F 22:56 
   Work Done by a Spring 24:30 
    Spring Attached to a Object 24:42 
    Spring Stretched 25:40 
    Spring Compressed and Released 30:30 
    Hookes Law 32:05 
    W=∫F(x) dx ,Initial Position to Final Position 36:25 
   Work in Three Dimension: Constant Force 41:54 
    3 Components Of 3 Dimensions 45:45 
    Work Done By F=F.Δx 47:30 
   Example 48:58 
    Object Moves Up and Inclined 49:10 
    Work Done by Gravity=F.Δr 49:50 
    W=F.Δr= -mgz 53:50 
    Work Done By Normal Force=0 54:33 
   Work in Three Dimension: Variable Force 55:45 
    Object Moving From A to B with Time 56:03 
    W=∫f.dr 57:45 
   Extra Example 1: Work Done By Force 3:19 
   Extra Example 2: Mass on Half Ring 12:07 
   Extra Example 3: Force with Two Paths 9:03 
  Work and Energy, Part 2 1:12:53
   Intro 0:00 
   Work Kinetic Energy Theorem 0:16 
    Object Moves in 3 Dimensions 1:51 
    Work Done by Net Force =W=∫f.dr 3:27 
    W=Change in Kinetic Energy 15:11 
   Example 16:00 
    Object Moving on Surface with Mass 10 N 16:12 
    Using Newton's Second Law 18:26 
    Using Work Kinetic Energy Theorem 21:32 
   Gravitational Potential Energy 24:30 
    Example of a Particle in 3 Dimensions 24:47 
    Work Done By Force of Gravity 26:09 
   Conservation of Energy 36:37 
    Object in a Projectile 36:48 
    Work Done by Gravity 39:50 
   Example 43:45 
    Frictionless Track 44:20 
   Example 50:49 
    Pendulum: Object Attached to a String at Height H 51:07 
    Finding Tension in a String 52:20 
   Extra Example 1: Object Pulled by Angled Force 8:13 
   Extra Example 2: Projectile Shot at Angle 6:30 
  Conservation of Energy, Part 1 1:32:50
   Intro 0:00 
   Conservative Forces 0:10 
    Given a Force 4:01 
    Consider a Particle Moves from P1 to P2 on Path 5:40 
    Work Done by Force 8:28 
   Example 14:56 
    Gravity 15:20 
    Spring with Block Moves and Stretched 17:36 
    Friction is Net Conservative 23:29 
    Path 1 Straight 27:04 
    Along Path 2 30:07 
   Potential Energy by a Conservative Force 33:23 
    Choose Reference Point (Potential Energy =0) 33:51 
    Define Potential Energy at Point P 35:23 
   Conservation of Energy 40:58 
    Object Moving from P1 -P2 41:50 
    Work Kinetic Energy Theorem 41:58 
   Potential Energy of a Spring 48:42 
    Spring Stretched with Mass M, Find Potential Energy 49:13 
   Example 53:45 
    Force Acting on Particle in One Dimension 54:10 
   Extra Example 1: Work Done By Gravity 8:14 
   Extra Example 2: Prove Constant Force is Conservative 4:03 
   Extra Example 3: Work Done by Force 13:07 
   Extra Example 4: Compression of Spring 8:18 
  Conservation of Energy, Part 2 1:07:48
   Intro 0:00 
   In Presence of Friction 0:13 
    Work Energy Theorem 3:05 
    Work Done BY Friction is Negative 6:51 
   Example 10:12 
    Object on Inclined Surface with Friction 10:20 
    Heat, Magnitude by Friction 12:42 
    Work Done By Friction 13:01 
   Calculation of the Force From The Potential Energy 19:15 
    Defining Potential Energy with Conservation of Energy 19:35 
   Potential Energy and Equilibrium 31:16 
    Spring Stretched with Mass M 31:28 
    Stable Equilibrium 35:52 
    Unstable Equilibrium 40:50 
   Example 41:02 
    Two Objects or Two Atoms 41:12 
    Leonard John's Potential 42:15 
   Power 47:38 
    Rate at Force Work Done 47:54 
    Average Power 49:01 
    Instant Power Delivered at Time t 49:20 
    Horse Power 53:10 
   Extra Example 1: Force from Potential Energy 3:36 
   Extra Example 2: Mass with Two Springs 4:17 
   Extra Example 3: Block Pulled with Friction 6:04 
  Conservation of Energy, Part 3 (Examples) 1:11:58
   Intro 0:00 
   Spring Loaded Gun 0:26 
    Spring with Bullet 0:43 
    Finding the Force Constant if Mass of Bullet is Given 2:48 
    Compression of a Spring 5:10 
   Sliding Object 11:33 
    Object Sliding on a Frictionless Surface 12:15 
    Spring at the End of a Slide 12:46 
    Using Conservation of Energy K1+u1=K2+U2 15:06 
    Finding Velocity and Energy 17:36 
   Block Spring System with Friction 33:05 
    Spring is Unstretched at Equilibrium 33:35 
    Spring is Compressed 33:57 
    Finding Total Energy 39:02 
   Losing Contact on a Circular Track 46:16 
    Objects Slides on a Circular Track 47:25 
    Normal Force=0 48:10 
    Centripetal Force 48:57 
    Finding Velocity at Given Angle 49:25 
    Energy at the Top 50:55 
    Contact Lost 54:55 
   Horse Pulling a Carriage 56:07 
    Horse Power 56:40 
    Power=FV 57:11 
   Extra Example 1: Elevator with Friction 7:02 
   Extra Example 2: Loop the Loop 5:34 
  Collisions, Part 1 1:31:19
   Intro 0:00 
   Linear Momentum 0:10 
    Example: Object of Mass m with Velocity v 0:25 
    Example: Object Bounced on a Wall 1:08 
    Momentum of Object Hitting a Wall 2:20 
    Change in Momentum 4:10 
   Force is the Rate of Change of Momentum 4:30 
    Force=Mass*Acceleration (Newton's Second Law) 4:45 
   Impulse 10:24 
    Example: Baseball Hitting a Bat 10:40 
    Force Applied for a Certain Time 11:50 
    Magnitude Plot of Force vs Time 13:35 
    Time of Contact of Baseball = 2 milliseconds (Average Force by Bat) 17:42 
   Collision Between Two Particles 22:40 
    Two Objects Collide at Time T 23:00 
    Both Object Exerts Force on Each Other (Newton's Third Law) 24:28 
    Collision Time 25:42 
    Total Momentum Before Collision = Total momentums After Collision 32:52 
   Collision 33:58 
    Types of Collisions 34:13 
    Elastic Collision ( Mechanical Energy is Conserved) 34:38 
    Collision of Particles in Atoms 35:50 
    Collision Between Billiard Balls 36:54 
    Inelastic Collision (Rubber Ball) 39:40 
    Two Objects Collide and Stick (Completely Inelastic) 40:35 
   Completely Inelastic Collision 41:07 
    Example: Two Objects Colliding 41:23 
    Velocity After Collision 42:14 
    Heat Produced=Initial K.E-Final K.E 47:13 
   Ballistic Pendulum 47:37 
    Example: Determine the Speed of a Bullet 47:50 
    Mass Swings with Bulled Embedded 49:20 
    Kinetic Energy of Block with the Bullet 50:28 
   Extra Example 1: Ball Strikes a Wall 10:41 
   Extra Example 2: Clay Hits Block 8:35 
   Extra Example 3: Bullet Hits Block 11:37 
   Extra Example 4: Child Runs onto Sled 7:24 
  Collisions, Part 2 1:18:48
   Intro 0:00 
   Elastic Collision: One Object Stationary 0:28 
    Example: Stationary Object and Moving Object 0:42 
    Conservation of Momentum 2:48 
    Mechanical Energy Conservation 3:43 
   Elastic Collision: Both Objects Moving 17:34 
    Example: Both Objects Moving Towards Each Other 17:48 
    Kinetic Energy Conservation 19:20 
   Collision With a Spring-Block System 29:17 
    Example: Object of Mass Moving with Velocity 29:30 
    Object Attached to Spring of Mass with Velocity 29:50 
    Two Objects Attached to a Spring 31:30 
    Compression of Spring after Collision 33:41 
    Before Collision: Total Energy (Conservation of Energy) 37:25 
    After Collision: Total Energy 38:49 
   Collision in Two Dimensions 42:29 
    Object Stationary and Other Object is Moving 42:46 
    Head on Collision (In 1 Dimension) 44:07 
    Momentum Before Collision 45:45 
    Momentum After Collision 46:06 
    If Collision is Elastic (Conservation of Kinetic Energy) Before Collision 50:29 
   Example 51:58 
    Objects Moving in Two Directions 52:33 
    Objects Collide and Stick Together (Inelastic Collision) 53:28 
    Conservation of Momentum 54:17 
    Momentum in X-Direction 54:27 
    Momentum in Y-Direction 56:15 
   Maximum Height after Collision 10:34 
   Extra Example 2: Two Objects Hitting a Spring 7:05 
   Extra Example 3: Mass Hits and Sticks 2:58 
  Center of Mass, Part 1 1:33:46
   Collection of Particles 0:13 
    System of Coordinates 0:40 
    Coordinates of Center of Mass 2:25 
   Four Particles 10:10 
    Center of Mass at Xcm 13:20 
    Center of Mass at Ycm 15:07 
   Extended Objects 17:00 
    Consider a Object 17:30 
    Dividing Object in to Smaller Particles 19:07 
    Divide the Volume N into Pieces 23:10 
   Center of Mass of a Rod 31:02 
    Total Mass of Rod 35:30 
   Center of Mass of a Right Angle 42:27 
    Right Triangle Placed in Coordinates 42:40 
    Tiny Strip on a Triangle 45:05 
    Intersection of a Point 56:19 
   Extra Example 1: Center of Mass Two Objects 12:56 
   Extra Example 2: Bent Rod Center of Mass 15:17 
   Extra Example 3: Triangle Center of Mass 7:50 
  Center of Mass, Part 2 1:19:15
   Intro 0:00 
   Motion of a System of Particles 0:53 
    Position Vector of Center of Mass 2:30 
    Total Momentum 7:08 
    Net Force Acting on a Particle 9:32 
   Exploding a Projectile 19:12 
    Shooting a Projectile in x-z Plane 19:50 
    Projectile Explodes into 2 pieces of Equal Mass 27:19 
   Rocket Propulsion 35:09 
    Rocket with Mass m and Velocity v 35:25 
   Rocket in Space 53:39 
    Rocket in Space with Speed=3000m/s 53:48 
    Engine is Turned On 54:19 
    Final Mass=1/2 Initial Mass 57:15 
    Speed after Fuel is Burned 58:09 
   Extra Example 1: Ball Inelastic Hits Other Ball 12:35 
   Extra Example 2: Rocket Launch Thrust 6:47 
  Rotation of a Rigid Body About a Fixed Axis 1:13:20
   Intro 0:00 
   Particle in Circular Motion 0:11 
    Specify a Position of a Particle 0:55 
    Radian 3:02 
    Angular Displacement 8:50 
   Rotation of a Rigid Body 15:36 
    Example: Rotating Disc 16:17 
    Disk at 5 Revolution/Sec 17:24 
    Different Points on a Disk Have Different Speeds 21:56 
    Angular Velocity 23:03 
   Constant Angular Acceleration: Kinematics 31:11 
    Rotating Disc 31:42 
    Object Moving Along x-Axis (Linear Case) 33:05 
    If Alpha= Constant 35:15 
   Rotational Kinetic Energy 42:11 
    Rod in X-Y Plane, Fixed at Center 42:43 
    Kinetic Energy 46:45 
    Moment of Inertia 52:46 
   Moment of Inertia for Certain Shapes 54:06 
    Rod at Center 54:47 
    Ring 55:45 
    Disc 56:35 
    Cylinder 56:56 
    Sphere 57:20 
   Extra Example 1: Rotating Wheel 6:44 
   Extra Example 2: Two Spheres Attached to Rotating Rod 8:45 
  Moment of Inertia 1:32:22
   Intro 0:00 
   Review of Kinematic Rotational Equation 0:12 
    Rigid Body Rotation on a Axis 0:29 
    Constant Angular Acceleration 10:17 
   Rotational Kinetic Energy 16:33 
    Particle Moving in a Circle 16:42 
    Moment of Inertia 22:43 
   Moment of Inertia of a Uniform Rod 25:10 
    Dividing the Body in Many Pieces 27:40 
    Total Mass=M Lamda=m/l 29:21 
    Axis Through the Center of Mass 34:02 
   Uniform Solid Cylinder 35:13 
    Cylinder of Length L 35:25 
    Finding Moment of Inertia I=∫r2 dm 36:04 
    Volume of Cylinder 40:02 
   Other Shapes 44:37 
    Ring 45:08 
    Disc 45:22 
    Sphere 45:50 
    Spherical Shell 45:49 
   Parallel Axis Theorem 46:46 
    Object with Center of Mass 47:12 
    Consider Another Axis Parallel to Primary Axis 47:35 
   Extra Example 1: Moment of Inertia for Ring and Disk 10:39 
   Extra Example 2: Moment of Inertia for Sphere 12:56 
   Extra Example 3: Moment of Inertia for Spherical Shell 11:41 
  Angular Momentum 1:03:48
   Intro 0:00 
   Angular Momentum of Particle 0:06 
    Magnitude of Angular Momentum 2:27 
    Right Hand Rule 3:00 
    Particle Moving in Circular Motions 4:18 
   Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body 6:44 
    Consider a Rigid Body 7:06 
    Z Axis Through Center 7:27 
    Rotate About the Z-Axis 18:57 
   Example 19:36 
    Rotating in Circular Motion 20:08 
    Consider a Mass on the Rigid Body 20:38 
    Angular Momentum of Disk 26:14 
   Rotation About an Axis of Symmetry 26:27 
    Perpendicular to Symmetry 27:35 
    Cylinder 29:02 
    Sphere 29:23 
    Rotating on Axis 29:40 
    Rigid Body Rotates About Axis of Symmetry 40:33 
   The Z-Component of Angular Momentum 40:56 
    Consider any Dmi on The Surface 41:57 
   Example 49:40 
    Cylinder 49:55 
   Extra Example 1: Rod Angular Momentum 5:46 
   Extra Example 2: Particle Angular Momentum 4:20 
  Rotational Dynamics 1:19:59
   Intro 0:00 
   Torque 0:10 
    Object Fixed at Center 1:34 
    τ=r Fsin θ 11:14 
   Relation of Torque to Angular Momentum 11:47 
    Derivative of Momentum 12:34 
    Consider a Particle With Velocity =V 13:51 
    For a Rigid Body 16:45 
   Equation of Rotational Motion 25:23 
    Object Rigid Body Rotating on Axis 27:14 
    Torque Acting on the Object 27:36 
    Torque About Axis of Rotation 30:55 
   Block and a Pulley 31:55 
    Rope with Mass=m and Radius of Pulley 32:40 
    Finding Acceleration and Tension 37:26 
   Atwood's Machine 41:57 
    Pulley with Masses m1, m2 and Radius R 42:49 
    Acceleration 50:15 
   Extra Example 1: Uniform Rod 8:49 
   Extra Example 2: Two Blocks with Strings 12:40 
   Extra Example 3: Thin Disk 7:00 
  Energy Consideration by Rotational Motion 1:10:28
   Intro 0:00 
   Work Done By Torque 0:15 
    Rigid Body Rotating about Z-axis 1:33 
    Rigid Body Rotating about Z-axis 3:01 
    Point p Rotates on Circle and Perpendicular to z 4:19 
   Work Kinetic Energy Theorem for Rotational Motion 15:36 
    Work Done By Torque 16:43 
    Work Done By Net Torque=Kf-Ki 20:31 
   Conservation of Mechanical Energy in Rotational Motion 21:41 
    Conservation Force Acting 22:40 
    Work Done by Gravity 23:15 
    Work Done by Torque 25:38 
   Power Delivered by Torque 27:12 
    Power by Force 27:58 
   Rotating Rod 30:03 
    Rod Clamped at One End 30:35 
    Angular Speed 30:50 
    Moment of Inertia About Axis of Rotation 35:15 
    Speed of Free End 37:40 
   Another Rotating Rod 37:59 
    Rod Standing on Surface 38:37 
    End Does Not Slip 39:01 
    Speed of Free End 41:20 
    Strikes Ground 42:13 
   Extra Example 1: Peg and String 5:51 
   Extra Example 2: Solid Disk 9:50 
   Extra Example 3: Rod and Sphere 12:03 
  Conservation of Angular Momentum 1:06:57
   Intro 0:00 
   Conservation of Angular Momentum in an Isolated System 0:13 
    Linear Case 0:45 
    Torque=Rate if Changed in Angular Momentum 1:29 
    Isolated System 1:59 
   Neutron Star 4:13 
    Star Rotates About Some Axis 4:31 
   Merry Go Round 12:50 
    Consider a Large Disc 13:06 
    Total Angular Momentum Calculated 18:59 
   Sticky Clay Sticking a Rod 19:07 
    Rod of Length L With Pivot at End 19:37 
    Piece of Clay of Mass m and Velocity v 19:45 
    Angular Momentum Calculated 28:58 
   Extra Example 1: Rod with Beads 8:38 
   Extra Example 2: Mass Striking Rod 8:42 
   Extra Example 3: Wood Block and Bullet 20:32 
  Rolling Motion 1:36:09
   Intro 0:00 
   Pure Rolling Motion 0:10 
    Disc Rolling on a Surface R (Rolling Without Sipping) 0:50 
    When Disc Rotates, Center of Mass Moves 5:48 
    Acceleration of Center of Mass 8:43 
   Kinetic Energy 11:03 
    Object in Pure Rotation 11:16 
    Pure Translation 13:28 
    Rotation and Translation 15:24 
   Cylinder Rolling Down an Incline 23:55 
     Incline 24:15 
    Cylinder Starts From Rest 24:44 
   Which Moves Faster 37:02 
    Rolling a Ring, Disc, Sphere 37:19 
    Ring I=Mr2 41:30 
    Disc I= 1/2 Mr2 42:31 
    Sphere I= 2/5 mr2 43:21 
   Which Goes Faster 49:15 
    Incline with a Object Towards the Inclination 49:30 
   Extra Example 1: Rolling Cylinder 15:16 
   Extra Example 2: Nonuniform Cylinder 7:55 
   Extra Example 3: String Around Disk 15:05 
  Universal Gravitation 1:09:20
   Intro 0:00 
   Newton's Law of Gravity 0:09 
    Two Particles of Mass m1,m2 1:22 
    Force of Attraction 3:02 
    Sphere and Small Particle of Mass m 4:39 
    Two Spheres 5:35 
   Variation of g With Altitude 7:24 
    Consider Earth as an Object 7:33 
    Force Applied To Object 9:27 
    At or Near Surface of Earth 11:51 
   Satellites 15:39 
    Earth and Satellite 15:45 
    Geosynchronous Satellite 21:25 
   Gravitational Potential Energy 27:32 
    Object and Earth Potential Energy=mgh 24:45 
    P.E=0 When Objects are Infinitely Separated 30:32 
    Total Energy 38:28 
    If Object is Very Far From Earth, R=Infinity 40:25 
   Escape 42:33 
    Shoot an Object Which Should Not Come Back Down 43:06 
    Conservation of Energy 48:48 
    Object at Maximum Height (K.E=0) 45:22 
    Escape Velocity (Rmax = Infinity) 46:50 
   Extra Example 1: Density of Earth and Moon 7:09 
   Extra Example 2: Satellite Orbiting Earth 11:54 
  Kepler's Laws 1:12:25
   Intro 0:00 
   Kepler's First law 2:18 
    Any Point on Ellipse 4:33 
    Semi Major Axis 6:35 
    Semi Minor Axis 7:05 
    Equation of Ellipse 7:32 
    Eccentricity 16:05 
   Kepler's Second Law 19:46 
    Radius Vector 20:31 
    Torque by Force of Gravity 25:00 
   Kepler's Third Law 36:49 
    Time Take for the Planet to make 1 Revolution 37:20 
    Period 41:26 
   Mass of Sun 43:39 
    Orbit of Earth is Almost Circle 45:11 
   Extra Example 1: Halley's Comet 11:18 
   Extra Example 2: Two Planets Around Star 6:27 
   Extra Example 3: Neutron Star 3:34 
  Energy and Gravitation 35:04
   Intro 0:00 
   Gravitational Potential Energy 0:10 
    Conservative Force 1:45 
    Along Path A ∫f.dr=0 7:35 
    Along Path B ∫f.dr=-1 10:30 
    Δu= ∫f r1 to r2 10:58 
   Near the Surface of the Earth 17:07 
    Two Points on Surface of Earth 17:22 
   Planets and Satellites 24:40 
    Circular Orbits 24:59 
    Elliptical Orbits 30:54 
  Static Equilibrium 1:38:57
   Intro 0:00 
   Torque 0:09 
    Introduction to Torque 0:16 
    Rod in X-Y Direction 0:30 
   Particle in Equilibrium 18:15 
    Particle in Equilibrium, Net Force=0 18:30 
    Extended Object Like a Rod 19:13 
    Conditions of Equilibrium 26:34 
    Forces Acting on Object (Proof of Torque) 31:46 
   The Lever 35:38 
    Rod on Lever with Two Masses 35:51 
   Standing on a Supported Beam 40:53 
    Example : Wall and Beam Rope Connect Beam and Wall 41:00 
    Net Force 45:38 
    Net Torque 48:33 
    Finding ø 52:50 
   Ladder About to Slip 53:38 
    Example: Finding Angle ø Where Ladder Doesn't slip 53:44 
   Extra Example 1: Bear Retrieving Basket 19:42 
   Extra Example 2: Sliding Cabinet 20:09 
  Simple Harmonic System Spring Block System 1:02:35
   Intro 0:00 
   Restoring Force 0:41 
    Spring Attached to a Block 0:53 
    Spring Stretched 1:58 
    Force=Kx (K=Force Constant) 5:45 
   Simple Harmonic Motion 11:31 
    According to Newton's Law F=mxa 11:55 
    Equation of Motion 15:15 
   Frequency, Period, Velocity, and Acceleration 34:23 
    Object Without Stretching 34:52 
    Object Stretched 35:15 
    Acceleration a=dv/dt 43:20 
   Block Spring System 53:01 
    Object Being Compressed 53:26 
   Energy Consideration 57:47 
   Example 59:48 
    Spring Being Compressed 59:55 
  The Pendulum 1:01:55
   Intro 0:00 
   Simple Pendulum 0:07 
    Mass Attached to the String 0:25 
    Torque=mgr Perpendicular 7:34 
    Moment of Inertia 15:36 
    When φ<<1 24:30 
   Example 33:13 
    Mass Hanging with 1kg and Length 1 M and Velocity 2m 33:26 
    Period 34:50 
    Frequency 35:40 
    Ki+ui=Kf+uf 37:01 
   Physical Pendulum 41:39 
    Rigid Body with a Pivot and let it Oscillate 42:00 
    Torque Produced 47:58 
   Example 53:35 
    Rod Fixed and Made to Oscillated 53:40 
    Period 54:40 
    Torsional Pendulum 57:57 
    Mass Suspended with a Torsional Fiber 58:15 
    Torque Produced 58:55 
   Example 60:05 
    Wire With Torsional -K 60:11 
  Damped and Forced Oscillation 53:35
   Intro 0:00 
   Damped Oscillation 0:11 
    Spring Oscillation 0:45 
    Force of Friction F=-bv 5:20 
    Spring in Absence of Friction 6:10 
    No Damping 8:29 
    In Presence of Damping 8:41 
   Example 21:07 
    Pendulum Oscillating at 10 Degrees 21:23 
    After 10 Min Amplitude Becomes 5 Degrees 22:10 
   Forced Oscillation 30:18 
    Spring Oscillating up and Down, Applying Force 35:25 
    Steady State Solution 41:49 
   Example 46:48 
    Spring with Object Mass=0.1 kg 47:05 
AP Physics C: Mechanics with Dr. Radi Jishi, Ph.D.

Duration: 48 hours, 11 minutes

Number of Lessons: 40

Student Feedback


12 Reviews

By Timothy HolmesNovember 14, 2014
Great Lectures!
By Muhammad KhoderFebruary 19, 2014
thank you nice lecture.
By Ranier CamarinesNovember 29, 2013
physics is all about mastering concepts not equations. this professor is great
By Mandeep PatelMay 27, 2013
I was wondering the same thing. Can anyone answer him. A speed of 1.15 would be great.
By Dana AmaraMay 21, 2013
Thank you!

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