Alvin Sylvain
Operator Overloading
Slide Duration:Table of Contents
Section 1: Intermediate C++
Overview of Intermediate C++
39m 28s
- Intro0:00
- Overview0:22
- Review3:10
- Language Features You're Expected to Already be Familiar With3:41
- Introduce New Features and Cover Some Familiar Territory More In-Depth4:17
- Containers; Vector4:45
- Features: Templates and Containers4:56
- Vector is the First Container Learned5:15
- Example5:44
- Containers; List7:18
- Linked List is One of the Most Basic Data Structures in Computer Science7:24
- This Class Shows How to Use the Standard Library 'List' Container7:52
- Example8:15
- Containers; Set, Map9:15
- Binary Tree9:23
- 'Set' and 'Map' are Not Sequential10:23
- Set Retrieves Unique Keys10:41
- Map Retrieves a Unique Key, Then the Related Value10:55
- Example11:11
- Templates12:00
- Allow for Code Re-Use and Modularity12:14
- Example12:46
- Object Oriented Programming15:19
- OOP is the Main Motivating Factor to the Original Development15:29
- Only Grafted on Non-OOP Features15:39
- Discuss How Classes and Objects Are Created and Instantiated in C++16:20
- Operator Overloading18:29
- Writing Polymorphic Functions18:39
- Operator Overloading is a Standard Feature in Most Programming Language18:52
- Example19:00
- Exception21:05
- Practical Programming Means Handling Unexpected Conditions in an Expected Way21:08
- Programmers Have Used Different Techniques to Pass Along Info That's 'Less Than Good'22:27
- Exception Handling in C++23:51
- C++ Exceptions Can be Any Type24:31
- Example24:38
- Namespaces25:30
- Name Collision25:40
- C++ Solution is for Each Company to Use Their Own Unique Namespace26:06
- Example26:29
- Input/Output27:43
- Class Hierarchy for C++ Input/Output28:16
- Turn on Exception Handling and Check Input/Output Status Bits28:21
- How to Use 'Stringstream' Object28:32
- More Details for Functions29:19
- Parameters on the Main Function29:34
- Inline Functions29:52
- Recursive Functions30:34
- Pass Pointers to Functions as Function Parameters30:42
- More Kinds of Types32:23
- Union to Force Memory Overlap32:30
- Enum Type33:01
- Typedef Keyword33:37
- Keeping Things the Same 'Const'34:00
- Pre-Compiler Macros34:09
- '#include'34:22
- '#define'34:45
- Conditional Compilation with '#ifdef'35:19
- Compiling the Code35:57
- Dash D Testing36:26
- Common Flags37:18
- Flag That Allows a Run-Time Debugger to Hook Into the Application38:11
- Tally Ho!39:07
56m 23s
- Intro0:00
- Overview0:21
- Acquire a Compiler1:24
- Windows1:51
- Macintosh2:02
- Acquire a Compiler for Linux2:18
- Redhat2:28
- Ubuntu2:38
- Software Manager2:51
- Acquire an Editor3:14
- Popular Editors3:48
- Compile and Run a Program5:00
- Traditional First Program5:28
- Comments in Code8:12
- Standard C 'block' Type Comment8:34
- C++ 'to end of line' Comment8:59
- Simple Data Types10:00
- Integer10:07
- Floating Point11:11
- Character11:50
- Two Types of 'Strings' in C++12:31
- Examples12:48
- Operators15:56
- Unary16:01
- Binary17:24
- Ternary18:16
- Function-like18:43
- Member Reference19:41
- Expressions20:51
- Modifying21:01
- Arithmetic21:24
- Comparison21:46
- Logical22:24
- Comma22:48
- Left-Hand Expressions24:04
- 'Right hand'24:07
- 'Left hand'24:30
- Examples25:12
- 'If' Branching26:33
- 'Switch' Branching29:15
- Looping30:59
- 'While' Loop31:04
- 'Do While' Loop32:17
- 'For' Loop32:59
- 'Break'34:15
- 'Continue'34:36
- Functions34:49
- Prototypes36:06
- Function Parameters36:36
- Return Value38:23
- Overloading38:41
- Arrays39:10
- Multi-Dimensional Arrays41:05
- Pointers43:37
- Definition43:43
- 'Dereference' Operator43:51
- 'Reference' Operator44:40
- Structures47:20
- Example: Without Structure48:12
- Example: With Structure49:13
- Object Oriented Programming51:00
- Access Can Be Defined As53:24
- Input / Output54:07
- Insertion Operator54:29
- Extraction Operator55:04
- File Stream Objects55:33
- Two Thumbs Up!55:58
Containers, Vector
40m 14s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:11
- Containers1:50
- Vector1:58
- List2:24
- Set, Map2:56
- Data Access3:44
- Iterators4:10
- Container Information4:37
- Vector4:53
- Memory Re-Allocation6:07
- Declare Vector of 'Type'7:37
- Size & Capacity8:01
- Vector<type> Variable8:20
- Vector<type> Variable (Initial Size, Initial Value)9:27
- Vector<type> Variable (Initial Size)10:11
- Access Vector Data10:27
- Example: Typical Array Access10:46
- Method Call Access11:07
- Other Data Access12:26
- Front12:30
- Back12:38
- Use Empty Function to Test13:37
- Vector Information14:36
- Resize15:53
- Reserve17:55
- Vector Iterators19:11
- Example: Data Elements May be Accessed Like Standard Array19:30
- Data Elements May be Accessed Using Iterators20:38
- Vector Iterator Begin/ End23:30
- Begin23:34
- Eng23:50
- Reverse Begin24:07
- Reverse Iterator24:16
- 'Short?' Cuts25:21
- Declaring Loop Index Inside the 'for' Loop25:34
- With Iterators26:05
- Modifying Vector Data26:54
- Push Back27:44
- Pop Back28:57
- Insertions29:32
- Example: Insert New Value at Beginning29:51
- Example: Insert Value in Middle30:40
- More Vector Operations32:12
- Empty32:15
- Erase32:22
- Clear33:01
- Assign33:20
- Compile-Time Initialization34:34
- Example 135:22
- Example 236:07
- Example 337:25
- Caution-Invalidating Iterators37:59
- Contained!39:56
Containers, List
33m 40s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:13
- Linked List Overview1:34
- Arrays and Vectors1:39
- Linked List3:16
- List Information5:53
- Empty Method6:04
- Max Size6:14
- Resize6:51
- List Access7:48
- Front and Back8:04
- Iterators8:16
- Example8:49
- List Iterators vs. Vector Iterators9:24
- The Next Element May be Physically in Memory Before the Current Element9:50
- Vector Iterators Allow Integer Add10:34
- List Iterators Do Not Allow Integer Add12:24
- Simple List Modification14:24
- Constructors14:32
- Difference Between Assign and Insert15:16
- Assign15:37
- Insert16:01
- Push16:31
- Pop16:38
- Erase16:53
- Complex List Modification18:34
- Merging and Splicing18:38
- Merge19:35
- Splice20:24
- Reordering21:46
- Removing22:28
- Modification Examples23:22
- Functions as Parameters24:49
- A Function for 'remove_it()'25:04
- A Function for Merge and Sort - Evens Before Odds25:46
- Deque27:28
- Insertion or Removal in Middle May be More Efficient than with Vectors27:51
- Not Guaranteed to be Contiguous Memory28:42
- Same Method as Vector, Plus More29:00
- Stack29:11
- Empty, Size, Top, Push, Pop31:05
- Queue31:56
- Definition32:19
- Not That Kind of List33:19
Containers, Set, Map
35m 35s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:11
- Tree Structures for Sets/Maps2:01
- What's the Value?3:00
- Pair Template Class4:45
- Allows a Function to Return 'Two' Values Instead of the Normal One5:15
- Example for an Integer Set5:46
- Example for Map with a String Key, Double Value7:09
- Set, Multiset8:03
- What's a Set8:32
- Elements are the Key9:30
- Custom Class for Ordering9:52
- Get Data In to Set10:28
- Constructors10:33
- Insert (Value)11:26
- Insert (Position, Value)12:30
- Insert (First, Last)13:18
- Get Data Out of Set13:28
- Erase13:33
- Find13:57
- Lower_Bound15:20
- Upper_Bound15:43
- Iterators Positioned Such That a For-Loop Can 'Start at Zero'15:59
- Set Examples16:32
- Map, Multimap19:15
- Get Data In to Map20:45
- Constructors20:48
- Insert a Key Value Pair21:25
- Insert Position22:05
- Insert (First, Last)22:21
- Get Data Out of Map22:37
- Operator23:43
- Erase25:16
- Find, Lower & Upper Bound25:28
- Map Examples25:37
- Comparison Class29:34
- Example30:37
- What About Duplicates?33:29
- Define a Pair to Receive a Container Iterator and a Boolean33:40
- Example34:07
- Useful Maps35:10
41m 8s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:08
- Function Template5:48
- Define5:52
- Use6:46
- Example7:03
- Constraints on Types10:34
- Example10:45
- Multiple Types13:58
- Example14:03
- Default Types17:11
- Example17:24
- Class Template20:27
- Example20:33
- Template Specialization24:31
- Example25:00
- Non-Type Parameters27:32
- Example27:46
- Templates in Templates32:20
- Example32:34
- Cautions35:04
- Don't Use a Template with a Type That Doesn't Support All the Template's Operations35:10
- Templates Can Not be Split into Header Files and Compiled Units36:51
- Issues with Debugging39:47
- Templates Gone Wild!40:33
Object Oriented Programming, Part 1
1h 4m 48s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:14
- Concepts4:39
- Historically Distinct Ways of Programming and Design4:41
- OOP Emphasizes Important Concepts6:28
- Some Terminology9:53
- Object9:56
- Class11:47
- Instance12:56
- Example14:04
- Abstraction20:00
- Abstraction Defines the Essential Characteristics of an Object20:08
- Emphasis on Essential20:34
- Classes are Defined with Characteristics That Distinguish One Class of Objects From Another21:18
- Encapsulation22:23
- Private Data23:25
- Public Methods23:40
- Protected Data24:47
- Inheritance25:52
- What Is Inheritance?25:58
- Example27:57
- Polymorphism29:18
- Example of Operator Overloading29:30
- Example of Parameter Signature30:22
- Methods Inherited From another Object Can be Overwritten and Customized to the New Object31:13
- Object Relationships33:37
- Consider Two Objects, Car and Vehicle33:42
- Consider Two Other Objects, Car and Tire34:01
- Object Motorcycle34:22
- Inheritance Example35:27
- Multiple Inheritance39:24
- Example39:51
- Be Careful for Diamond Problem43:46
- Multiple Inheritance Example45:28
- Constructors46:55
- Default Constructor47:33
- Copy Constructor49:10
- Default Constructor50:33
- Example50:55
- Shallow Copy52:41
- Example53:10
- Deep Copy56:35
- Example56:42
- Copy Constructor1:01:34
- Good Design? Or…1:04:28
Object Oriented Programming, Part 2
44m 16s
- Intro0:00
- Lesson Overview0:10
- Overloading Constructors3:10
- Provide Other Constructors3:26
- Example3:43
- Initialization Lists5:40
- Syntax Example5:43
- Equivalent to Initializing in Statements in the Method Body6:50
- Destructors7:09
- Destructor is Automatically Called when Instance is Deleted7:26
- Declare the Declare as Virtual in the Event the Class is Designed to be Derived by Sub-Class9:15
- What's in a Name?11:15
- Example: How to Tell Field from Parameter11:56
- Friendship Functions16:32
- Avoids Strict Object Oriented Principles and Declare the Function or Class Using 'friend' Keyword16:47
- Example17:12
- Friendship Classes18:48
- Example18:57
- Designing for Derivation20:54
- Add 'Virtual' Keyword to Public Methods21:50
- Add 'Virtual' Keyword to Destructors24:17
- Abstract Class25:41
- Designed Only for Derivation25:47
- Example26:13
- Compilation Units28:22
- Classes Are Typically Divided into the Interface Portion and Implementation Portion28:53
- Namespaces Are Used to Associate a Class Method with the Class Definition29:31
- Example Compilation Units30:53
- Definition for 'Vehicle' Class for an Include File30:54
- Implementation for 'Vehicle' Class in Program File33:01
- Why You Add 'Include Guards'36:33
- Suppose You Derive 'Automobile' From 'Vehicle'36:38
- Caller File Includes Both37:21
- Object Oriented? Or Not?38:46
- When Is It Appropriate?39:31
- When Is It Not Appropriate?41:04
- The Object Oriented Purist43:53
Operator Overloading
1h 12m 54s
- Intro0:00
- Overview0:13
- When Not to Overload Operators4:32
- Arithmetic Operators Should Only Apply to 'Numeric' Kinds of Classes4:53
- Complex Number6:04
- 'add' Operation vs. 'add()' Method6:38
- When It Can Be a Good Idea7:42
- Your Class is Inherently Numeric In Nature7:49
- Some Operators Still Make Sense to be Overloaded8:26
- Kinds of Operators to Overload11:03
- Binary Operator11:19
- Unary Operator12:06
- Non-Member Functions14:27
- Example: Named Vector15:03
- Named Vector is a Directional Vector with a Name15:10
- Directional Vectors15:15
- Overloading Demonstration18:58
- Assignment Operator=20:26
- Deep Copy20:37
- Copy Constructor20:55
- Overloading Operator=22:21
- Example Member Function22:28
- Overloading Binary Operator==27:10
- Example 'Equal' Member Method27:30
- Other Comparison Methods Can Call This One31:09
- Overloading Binary Operator<32:30
- Example: 'Less Than' Member Method32:43
- Overloading Arithmetic Operators35:04
- '@=' Operator35:23
- Operations Work Symmetrically36:22
- Overloading Binary Object-to-Object38:19
- '@=' Is Member Function with Full Access38:27
- '@' is Non-Member Function40:24
- Multiple a Vector by a Number to Make it Larger43:19
- Need Two Symmetrical Non-Member Functions44:46
- Overloading Unary Operator47:16
- No Parameter for the Operator@ Function47:40
- Overloading Prefix/Postfix Operator49:12
- Unary Operators with Different Semantics for Prefix and Postfix49:38
- '++' and '--'50:43
- Overloading Prefix Operator++51:21
- Add 1.0 to X/Y Components Before Accessing Value for Caller51:38
- Also Include the Operator-- to Subtract 1.051:55
- Overloading Postfix Operator++52:02
- Give It a Dummy Operator52:07
- Overloading, Object-to-Other Object54:18
- Make Non-Member Function a 'Friend' to Access Private Members of Your Class54:36
- Parameters Must Include Other Objects When Overloading54:50
- Useful for Saving an Object to a File55:52
- Overloading Operator<<56:45
- Include Non-Member 'Friend' Function in Class56:50
- Implement Function in the Compilation Unit57:58
- Allows Output of Your Objects with Other Data59:39
- Array Operator[]1:00:55
- Example: The Standard Library Vector1:02:00
- Named Vector1:02:49
- Overload Array Operator []1:03:19
- Implement Operator[] As a Member Function1:03:23
- Write the Code1:04:15
- It Lets You Define a Non-Int for the 'Array Index'1:05:22
- Function Operator()1:06:39
- Examples1:07:07
- Define (idx)1:08:38
- Overloading Function Operator()1:09:45
- Implement Operator() As a Member Function1:09:48
- Calling Example1:11:27
- Bad Overloading!1:12:27
Exception Handling
57m 51s
- Intro0:00
- Overview0:11
- Something Went Wrong! Now What?6:05
- Data Must Always be Validated6:11
- Many Operations Will Validate Input to Make Sure No Mistakes Were Made8:13
- Many Check the External Environment10:26
- Many Don’t Check But App Can Still Crash10:56
- Different Error Checking Methods11:38
- Traditional Method11:42
- Exception Handlin14:09
- Lazy Way15:30
- Traditional Error Checking16:08
- Example: Return Code, Simply 'if'16:12
- Example: Output Parameter18:15
- Exception Handling20:01
- 'Try' Block20:05
- 'Catch All' Block20:49
- No 'Finally' Block21:31
- 'System Errors'22:34
- Basic Syntax23:12
- Code to Throw an Exception23:16
- Code to Handle an Exception23:49
- Example Exception26:51
- Run This Program Fragment, It Will Crash26:54
- Run This One, The Error is Controlled28:00
- Throw Exception30:51
- Can 'Throw' An Exception If Error Conditions Found30:56
- Basic Example' 'int' Exceptions31:03
- Character String Exceptions36:16
- Exception Can Be Any Type, But a Character String Can be Informative in Simple Cases36:19
- Not Good for More Than Simple Situations38:19
- Derive From 'Exception' Class38:34
- When You Don’t Care Exactly Which Sub-Class of 'Exception' Can Be Thrown39:02
- When Each Sub-Class Handled Differently39:17
- Exception Derivation Example41:28
- Adding 'Throw()' Keyword to Prototype45:32
- Promises to Compiler What Kind of Exceptions the Function or Method Might Throw45:42
- Leave the Keyword Off46:39
- Leave the Parameter List Empty46:51
- Exception Can Not Be Caught With a Type-Specific Handler47:28
- Exceptions Not Derived From 'Exception'49:11
- Don’t Rely on System Exceptions!54:06
- Certain System Operations Don't Throw an Exception in a Platform-Independent Manner54:10
- Examples54:25
- Your Own Code Should Test for the Conditions That Might Lead to Uncatchable Exceptions56:03
- Exceptional!57:30
29m 51s
- Intro0:00
- Overview0:15
- Namespaces5:27
- Uses the 'Scope Operator'5:30
- Two Kinds: Standard Library and Classname5:47
- Helps Avoid Third Party Name Collision6:42
- 'Namespace' for Class Association7:46
- Scope7:53
- Example8:01
- Implementation in Separate File, Same Scope8:46
- Define a Namespace10:05
- Use 'namespace' Keyword, Valid Identifier, and Block to Add to a Namespace10:07
- Example10:40
- Units Can Share Namespace12:26
- 'std' Namespace12:40
- Include Namespace Declaration Block in Each Compilation Unit13:13
- Use Namespaces for Types, Classes14:04
- Compilation Unit: alpha.cpp14:11
- Compilation Unit: beta.cpp14:27
- Calling Unit14:49
- Don't Use Namespaces for Instances15:21
- Namespace Cannot Be Used to Duplicate Names of Object Instances in Different Compilation Units15:25
- Example15:40
- Error When Compilation Units Are Linked Together16:22
- Using Explicit Namespace16:51
- Header File for Class16:56
- Use of Namespace in Compilation Unit17:03
- 'Using' Keyword17:36
- Specify a Default Namespace17:40
- More Than One 'Using' Can Be Specified18:49
- Avoiding 'Using'20:48
- Third-Party Packages Often Avoid 'Using'20:49
- Example21:03
- Using for Particular Names22:54
- The 'Using' Keyword Can Set Up Just Certain Names for a Default Use22:56
- Naming Strategy24:30
- Unique Name, World-Wide24:48
- Avoid Confusion with Another Similar Name25:23
- Typical Advice: Use Company Website Name25:30
- Namespace Aliases28:35
- User Uses Certain Namespace with a Different Name28:27
- Example28:38
- Avoiding Duplicates29:33
Input/ Output
42m 46s
- Intro0:00
- Overview0:11
- Streams4:37
- Byte Streams4:51
- Operator '<<' Overloaded for Output5:14
- Operator '>>' Overloaded for Input5:47
- I/O Class Hierarchy6:46
- ios_base6:57
- Input Stream7:04
- Output Stream8:27
- Multiply Inherits From istream, ostream9:04
- Buffer Class Hierarchy9:27
- Buffering Allows I/O to Work More Efficiently9:38
- 'Flushed'9:54
- Streambuf - Buffer for Data9:58
- Base Class Attributes10:25
- Formatting Information10:36
- State Information14:43
- Sub-Class Members15:46
- IOS Adds Additional Members and Methods15:49
- Error State Flags18:23
- Input Classes20:31
- istream - Input Character Stream20:33
- ifstream - Input File Character Stream22:50
- istringstream - Input String Character Stream23:23
- Output Classes24:10
- ostream - Output Character Stream24:13
- ofstream - Output File Character Stream25:28
- ostringstream - String Character Stream25:42
- Multiple Inheritance and Includes25:59
- iostream - Multiply Inherits From istream, ostream26:04
- Classic Example of Multiple Inheritance26:22
- fstream - Inherits From iostream26:47
- stringstream - Inherits From iostream27:08
- Detect Failures Using Status Bits27:32
- Test the Status Bits27:43
- Use Exceptions29:12
- Failure Bit Cautions30:20
- failbit Is Set on Formatted Input if the Input Stream Cannot be Parsed30:27
- Example30:37
- String I/O with Stringstream32:21
- Used for Input and Output32:26
- Example33:45
- Flushing Data buffer35:39
- Sometimes Buffering Is Not Desired35:43
- Input Flush Example37:10
- Output Flush Example38:17
- Internationalization39:06
- Complex Problem with Different Cultures39:20
- 'Imbue' I/O with Installed Locale Info40:12
- Set Size of a 'Character' for I/O41:45
- Confused Yet?42:47
More With Functions
42m 52s
- Intro0:00
- Overview0:18
- Parameters for 'Main'2:18
- First Function2:19
- The Way Seen Most Often5:13
- Some Typical Parameters6:05
- Help6:11
- Version6:22
- User6:51
- Password / Port6:59
- File To Be Operated On7:25
- Code Example8:25
- Some Things of Note12:17
- First Item in 'argv' is the Program File12:20
- How Each Argument is Given to the Program is OS Dependent13:42
- A Return of '0' Usually Means Success14:48
- More Things of Note15:11
- It's Customary to Have Both Stand-Alone Arguments (Options) and Arguments with Additional Parameters15:28
- Examples15:37
- Inline Functions17:37
- 'inline' Tells the Compiler to Insert the Function Body Explicitly Into the Code17:43
- Function Modularity Without Function Overhead17:53
- Example19:05
- Recursive Functions20:22
- Definition of Recursive: A Function or Algorithm That Uses Itself to Solve a Problem20:34
- Common Mistakes20:56
- Classic Example: Factorial21:27
- Recursive Factorial Code23:16
- Compare Iterative Version23:48
- Pointers to Functions25:55
- Technique Used Often in GUI Programming26:05
- The Package Calls the Caller's Function by Dereferencing the Pointer26:45
- Example27:04
- Pointers to Functions as Parameters27:45
- Syntax28:01
- Calling Parameter Function Within Function29:42
- Example30:15
- Multi-Dimensional Array Parameters31:07
- Function Receives a Pointer to Array But Can Not Know Size Ingo31:40
- Example31:48
- Ways to Handle; 1-Dim Array33:53
- Good use for an Inline Function34:06
- Ways to Handle: Internal Data35:38
- Example 135:48
- Example 236:25
- Ways to Handle: Objects39:38
- Example39:47
- Usage Examples41:18
- No Help Here!42:28
More Types
39m 10s
- Intro0:00
- Overview0:12
- More Kinds of C++ Types1:32
- It Has Strong Type Conventions That Can Be Used to Enforce Program Integrity1:50
- Recommended: Avoid the Short Cuts!2:02
- If a Short Cut is Necessary…2:57
- Unions3:24
- Union = Short-Cut3:25
- Example: Inspect Each Byte of a 32 bit Integer3:56
- This May Not Run the Same on Different Platforms5:11
- Union of Struct8:12
- Typical Use for a Union is Sharing Memory Between Structures8:13
- Example8:21
- Union Rules9:56
- There's No Platform Independent Way to Store Member Data9:57
- Cannot Store Classes That Have Constructors11:37
- Enumerators12:39
- Useful for Defining Enumerated Constants12:40
- Use it Like Any Other Type13:02
- Example: Can Be Started and Restarted at Any Value13:38
- Can Be Used Like Any Integer14:48
- Less Error-Prone15:10
- Be Careful Changing the Sequence15:25
- Example: Sometimes Useful to Associate String Constants16:24
- Use of 'typedef'17:46
- In C, 'types' Created with 'typedef' Keyword17:47
- In C++, the Keyword is Largely Unnecessary17:52
- Examples: Use of'typedef' in C and C++18:06
- Custom Type Substitution19:57
- 'typedef' Keyword is Often used in Place of Somet Other underlying Type for Purposes of Clarity19:58
- Examples: Custom Type Substitution20:25
- Pointer Hiding23:10
- Pointer to a Type Look23:11
- Example: Pointer Hiding23:39
- Cautions Using Underlying Types26:02
- Example: Using Underlying Types26:03
- The Underlying on Most Systems Today26:42
- Example: Only Works Because It Is an 'int'27:20
- Cautions Using time_t Typedef28:05
- 32-Bit Integer 'Runs Out' In The Year 203828:06
- Only Use the Provided Classes and Functions Designed to Handle a Particular Type29:27
- When Working with typedef, Treat It Like A Class Object29:45
- 'const' Ness30:45
- It’s More Than Just Declaring a Variable or Parameter That Cannot Be Changed30:46
- Also Used on Methods31:25
- Example: 'const' ness31:37
- 'const' on Object Attributes33:01
- Can Be Used on Object Attributes33:01
- Example: 'const' on Object Attributes33:06
- Row That Is Permanently Identified by 1733:34
- Allow Certain Change, 'mutable'34:29
- 'mutable' Allows Change34:30
- Used on Specific Object Members When the Method Is Supposed to be 'const'34:49
- Why Would Some Members Need to Change?35:23
- Examples36:00
- 'mutable' Examples36:49
- Union Troubles38:53
Macros & Compilation
51m 23s
- Intro0:00
- Overview0:14
- Pre-Processor Macros2:57
- Define with the 'Pound' Character2:58
- Macros Are Pre-Processed on a Textual Basis3:48
- Including Other Files5:25
- Use the 'Include' Macro When You Use a Pre-Compiled Library5:26
- Triangle Brackets6:20
- Quotes Indicate That the Include File May Be Found in the Same Directory as the File Being Compiled6:32
- Any Text File Can Be Included7:00
- Basic Constant Definition8:54
- 'Define' Macro Keyboard8:55
- 'MAX_ROWS replaced by '300'10:16
- Compiler Never Sees MAX_ROW10:48
- Literally Anything Can Be Defined12:03
- Typical Use12:19
- Application Constants12:30
- C++ Improvements12:48
- Using Macros in Macros13:32
- Macro Substitution Can Occur in Macro Substitution13:33
- Example14:17
- Text Replacement14:30
- Conditional Compilation, Includes16:20
- ifdef, ifndef, if, else, elif, and endif16:21
- Include Guards & Example18:10
- Conditional Compilation20:21
- Don't Print Out Debugging Info in the Production Code20:22
- Compiler Will Never See the Testing Code21:48
- Macros Can Be 'undef'ed22:36
- Good for Temporary Removal23:27
- 'Comment Out' Sections23:37
- Can't Use the // or /**/ Comment23:54
- Use 'ifdef'24:57
- Macro Functions26:29
- Macros Have a Facility for Creating Small In-Text Functions26:30
- Define a Macro Function27:16
- If You Need More Than One Line27:32
- Macro Function Examples28:34
- Return Area of a Circle28:35
- Return Volume of a Cylinder29:00
- What Can Happen Without Parentheses?29:45
- Avoid Those Problems31:14
- In C++, Use Inline Functions31:15
- Inline Functions Avoid All Other Problems That Historically Have Occurred With Macros32:11
- Mixing C with C++34:08
- C Code Can Not Be Linked Directly with C++ Code34:09
- In C Header File Add35:38
- Pre-Defined Macros37:18
- Macros That Should Be Pre-Defined for Every Standards-Compliant Compiler37:19
- Occasional Misuse38:39
- Abusing the Facility38:40
- Example: Trying to 'look' Like Pascal39:03
- Allows Code to be Written Like This39:20
- Compiling40:14
- Typical Compilation Command Line40:15
- Compilation of One Unit at a Time41:02
- Compiler Flags to Find Libraries42:34
- Finding Other Include Files & Other Libraries to Link Into Your Application42:35
- Example: Create an Application that Uses the MySQL Database43:02
- Other Useful Flags47:07
- Small Set of Command Line is Most Common47:08
- '-c' Create an Object File From the Source47:12
- '-g' Add Internal Code That Allows a Run-Time Debugger to Hook into the Program47:22
- '-Dmacro' Set a Macro to be Defined47:58
- '-E' Stop After Pre-Processing48:55
- '-S' Stop After Compilation49:26
- Setting Flags for IDE49:51
- If You're Using Eclipse49:52
- Example50:25
- Uh, Almost51:03
A Look at Some Code
57m 58s
- Intro0:00
- Real Code Example0:29
- Global Constants1:10
- Account.cpp2:14
- Account.h3:03
- Call Back Function3:24
- Vector & Transactions4:10
- Constructor5:54
- User.h8:54
- User.cpp12:01
- Exceptions23:56
- Class Exception, Minor Exception, and Regular Exception24:57
- StringField.h29:38
- StringField.cpp35:40
- NumberField.h38:56
- NumberField.cpp44:56
- IntegerField.cpp47:53
- Date.h49:17
- Date.cpp51:10
- BankAccountMain.cpp52:20
- Lesson Summary56:46
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For more information, please see full course syllabus of Intermediate C++
For more information, please see full course syllabus of Intermediate C++
Intermediate C++ Operator Overloading
Lecture Description
In this lesson, our instructor Alvin Sylvain goes through an introduction on operator overloading. He discusses when not to overload operators, when it's a good idea, kinds of operators to overload, assignment operator, overloading operator, overloading binary operator, overloading arithmetic operator, overloading binary object-to-object, overloading unary operator, overloading prefix/postfix operator, array operator and function operator.
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